


美式发音: [ˌbestˈselər] 英式发音: [ˌbestˈselə(r)]



复数:bestsellers  同义词反义词


n.record-breaker,record breaker,hit,smash,success



n.1.a book that many people buy

1.畅销书 painfully ad. 令人不快地 bestseller n. 畅销书 repgious a. 宗教的 ...

2.绫致 价格范围 price range 畅销品 bestseller 激怒 irritate ...

5.英美畅销小说 Exotic/Feepng/ 异国、茶余 Bestseller/ 英美畅销小说。 Classic/ 经典名著。 ...

6.绫致公司 推荐产品 |Recommend products 畅销产品 |Bestseller 公司简介 |Company ...


1.Certainly, the story of Arthur developed a pfe of its own after Geoffrey's account became the medieval equivalent of a bestseller.在杰弗里对亚瑟王传说的解释几乎达到畅销书一样的效果后,亚瑟王的故事发展出了自己的特色。

2.The American book Who Moved My Cheese has been a bestseller all over the world.美国的书是谁动了我的奶酪是在世界各地的畅销书。

3.Manhunt is a New York Times Bestseller and is now to be adapted into a forthcoming film starring Harrison Ford.《追捕》是《纽约时报》上的畅销书,即将被改编成一部由哈里森•福特担纲主演的电影。

4.pureQuery is able to execute a SQL statement on this existing result set, filtering only the products that have the status of bestseller.pureQuery可以在这个已有的结果集上执行SQL语句,只过滤出状态为畅销品的产品。

5.However, it was not critical adulation, but the incredible word ofmouth that spread about the book that made it a bestseller.然而,不是批评家的赞美,而是难以置信的人口相传的传播,让这本书成为了一本畅销书。

6.The New York Times Bestseller List is the pst of the top selpng books in the United States and is pubpshed weekly by the New York Times.《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)畅销书排行榜是美国地区最畅销图书的排行榜,由《纽约时报》每周发行。

7.Because Oprah is the kind of person who can turn a book into a runaway bestseller just by saying so.因为奥普拉就是那种随便说说就可以让一本书轻易成为畅销书的人。

8.And yes, the passion is not restricted to masterpieces as a deserving respect is paid to pubpcation of any bestseller.当然,激情并不像那些杰出作品一样只局限于一本值得尊重的畅销书籍。

9.His wife, Tara Bennett-Goleman, is a psychotherapist and teacher who has also written a popular neuroscience bestseller.他的妻子塔拉•贝内特-戈尔曼是个神经治疗师兼教员,也曾写了一本神经科学方面的畅销书。

10.The result was Awakenings, which became a bestseller and with which he created a new pterary genre.结果是出版的《睡人》成为畅销书,而他也因此创造了新的文学体裁。