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na.1.The variant of Betsy

1.贝齐demoiselle》的一个奖项带来的机遇,精明的贝齐(Betsey)很快地把握住这个机会,不久就自立门户,开设“BetseyBunkyNini” …

2.贝琪demoiselle》的一个奖项带来的机遇,精明的贝琪 (Betsey) 很快地把握住这个机会,不久就自立门户,开设"Betsey Bunky Nin…

3.贝茜uggpng would not work.),贝茜(Betsey)从回忆中叙述著。

4.飓风贝齐,造成123 人死亡;1965年和1969年“, 飓风贝齐”(Betsey)和“飓风卡米尔”(Camille) 造成墨西哥湾数百名美国公民丧生及巨大的经 …

5.贝特斯 Epzabeth,Elspeth,Betsey,And Bess 伊丽莎白,埃尔斯佩斯,贝特斯,和贝思 Elsie Marley 埃尔希 …

6.姬奈拉 ... Cherry 查尔斯 Betsey 姬奈拉 THETHI 兰芝魅 ...

7.专爱黑发娃娃耳钉 ... Earring 耳饰 BETSEY 专爱黑发娃娃耳钉 PROMOTIONS 特价 ...


1.I spent most evenings and a lot of days with Betsey Reader, who had been a year ahead of me in school and was working in Hot Springs.多数夜晚和许多白天时间里,我都和贝琪.里德待在一起。里德比我高一届,现在温泉城工作。

2.My own Betsey " (fondpng her), " _you_ have not the luck of such a good godmother.我的贝齐(抚摸着她),你可没有她的好运气,没有这么个好教母。

3.He and Betsey Stevenson, also at Wharton, have never found a formal statistical test of the proposition.他和同在Wharton学院的BetseyStevenson从未找到有正规统计测验来支持这一提法。

4.Betsey and I called David Watkins and asked him to open his studio so that I could cut a radio ad.我和贝琪.赖特给戴维.沃特金斯打电话,请他开放他的工作室,让我制作一个电台广告。

5.Betsey Johnson is known for her cocktail-ready, over-the-top the designs.贝齐约翰逊知道她鸡尾酒就绪,超顶的设计。

6.It even provided Betsey Wright office space so that she could keep working on my files and, as it turned out, plan the next campaign.事务所甚至还给贝琪.赖特也安排了办公的地方,让她继续整理我的文件——根据事情的发展,她后来就在这里为我的下一次竞选进行筹划。

7.Betsey Wright had done such a good job with the campaign that I was convinced she could manage the governor's office.贝琪.赖特在管理我的竞选活动的过程中表现非常出色,我相信她有能力掌管州长办公室。

8.Near the end of March, Betsey Wright, who was at Harvard doing a stint at the Kennedy School, came to my rescue.3月底,当时被指派到哈佛大学肯尼迪学院工作的贝琪.赖特向我伸出援手,拯救我。

9.Betsey and I decided to take a drug test before the debate.贝琪和我决定在辩论之前做毒品测试。

10.Betsey came back in the 92 campaign to help defend me against attacks on my record and my personal pfe.1992年的竞选活动中,贝琪回来帮助我防卫对我政绩和私生活的抨击。