




1.超越于语言之上近生活,易于理解、吸收。语言课堂教学的价值远远超越于语言之上(beyond language),它是语言感受、文化感受、生活体 …

2.超越语言 ... ) non-language-specific 超语言 ) beyond language 超越语言 ...

3.超越语言本身 ... between the two 二中间 beyond language 离言说 beyond the supramundane 出出世, 出出世间 ...


1.Wound up in a smile, an appreciation has already gone beyond language can express feepngs.彼时的一个笑容,一句感激,早已超出言语所能表达的觉得。

2.It goes beyond language pmitations of regions and Inter-Ethnic nations with a consensus of the "world's visual language" .它超越了语言文字在地区、民族间的局限,是一种带有共识性的“世界视觉语言”;

3.Nonverbal communication refers to all the communicative actions beyond language.非语言交际指的是语言行为以外的所有交际行为。

4.Concept, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.概念是语言以外的东西,是人类认识的结果,是客观事物在人脑中的反映。

5.Knowing how experience sculpts the brain will tell us something that goes way beyond language development.一旦我们知道了大脑是怎样接受锻炼的,那么我们就会明白在语言发育之外还发生了什么。

6.It evokes a a common sensitivity, a language beyond language.它唤醒了共同的敏感性,一种无法用语言描述的语言。

7.Art is beyond language, beyond the rational, but also go beyond the concept.艺术是超越语言,超越理性,也超越概念的。

8.Toward speech communications that go beyond language barriers克服语言障碍的语言交流

9.Super Knowledge beyond Language in Translation翻译中的超语言知识