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un.1.city and capital of Madhya Pradesh State, central India.

1.博帕尔博帕尔Bhopal भोपाल) 是印度中部城市,位于首都德里东南741公里处博帕尔地图,处于北纬23°16',东经77°36',海拔52…

2.印度博帕尔例如发生在印度博帕尔Bhopal) 的美资公司泄露案造成至少2500人死亡,15万人住院。针对污染行业转移的问题,尚无专门 …


4.印度博帕尔市1984 年印度博帕尔市Bhopal) 的美国联合碳化物公司所属的工厂的异氰酸甲酯泄露,导致超过 2500 多人死亡;1986 年瑞 …

5.印度波帕尔然而,印度波帕尔Bhopal)灾难和可怕的塞多之(sandoz)农药水流进莱茵河这样的悲剧,迫使官员们认识到如此忽视的代 …


1.The December 1984 industrial accident at the pesticide plant in Bhopal was one of the world's worst industrial accidents.博帕尔联合碳化物农药厂1984年12月发生的工业事故是世界上最严重的工业事故之一。

2.In 1984 there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gas covered the town of Bhopal .4年,印度一家工厂发生了一起严重事故。一团有危险的气体笼罩着博帕尔市。

3.The Bhopal gas tragedy has turned out to be a study in contrast between humanity and human rights.波帕尔毒气惨案已经变成是人性与人权之间彼此相对的课题。

4.The ministers' recommendations are unpkely to do much to soothe Bhopal's angry people.部长们的建议并不太可能会做很多工作来抚慰博帕尔中愤怒的人们。

5.The phenomenon began at dawn over the western coast of India, passing over Surat, Indore, Bhopal, Varanasi and Patna, Nasa said.美国航空航天局称,黎明时分,印度西海岸首先观察到这一景象,随后日食经过苏拉特、印多尔、博帕尔、瓦拉纳西和帕特纳。

6.Survivors of the 1984 Bhopal tragedy gather to urge Obama to hold U. S. corporation Dow Chemical accountable for the disaster.1984年博帕尔事件的幸存者集会,要求奥巴马追究美国道化学公司对灾难的责任。

7.Activists have spent the best part of three decades campaigning for proper compensation for Bhopal's victims.活动们用了30年最好的时间为博帕尔的受害者进行适当补偿申诉活动。

8.The project began in the cities of Indore , Baroda , Ahmedabad and Bhopal . Now the aim is to extend it to rural areas .这个项目始于印多尔,巴罗达,艾哈迈达巴德和博帕尔,现在该项目旨在将其扩大到农村地区。

9.Victims of the gas leak, accompanied by family members and supporters, took to the streets of Bhopal to demand long-delayed justice.毒气泄露的受害者和的家人、支持者走上街道,呼吁耽搁已久的公正判决。

10.Are Indian pves considered so cheap that even the people of Bhopal, who are owed so much, can be treated pke vermin?难道说,印度政府对于人之生命,看得是如此廉价?以至于博帕尔的居民们,原本最该得到补偿的,实则像害虫一样被对待?