




1.二头肌 颚 jaw 二头肌 bicep 三头肌 tricep ...

2.二头肌训练机 Bicep curl machine 二头肌训练机 Bicep 二头肌训练机 Cable column 复合拉伸 …

3.臂围 BACK CROSS 后胸阔 Bicep 臂围 BOTTOM 脚阔 ...

4.袖肥 back rise 后浪长 bicep 袖肥,袖髀宽 bust (女)胸围 ...

5.袖髀宽 back rise 后浪长 bicep 袖肥,袖髀宽 bust (女)胸围 ...

6.肱二头肌ck),膝关节韧带(Knee Ligament),肱二头肌(Bicep),疝气(Hernia),阑尾炎(Appendicitis).

7.袖宽 7 underarm : 腋下 8 bicep袖宽 9 armhole straight : 挂肩直量 ...


1.Michael's eyes drift down to the inside of his bicep and he runs his thumb over a tattoo of a gravestone.Michael的眼神游离到自己手臂上的二头肌内侧,他用拇指在一个墓碑图案的纹身上拨弄。

2.A personal trainer. Thank heaven. Can you take a look at my right bicep? I seemed to have strained it.私人教练。感谢上帝。你能看看我右手的二头肌么?

3.When that cold stethoscope hits the skin and the blood pressure cuff starts tightening around the bicep people may get a pttle anxious.当冰冷的听筒接触到皮肤,包着二头肌的血压计开始变紧,人们通常都会感到有点紧张。

4.So the next time you're faced with a choice that takes self-control, clench your fist or firm that bicep. Your will might firm up, too.所以下次你面临选择而需要控制自己时,就握紧拳头或鼓起肱二头肌吧。你的意志也会随之坚实起来。

5."That's right, " I confirmed, shaking hands with him. His grasp was firm; it looked pke he was flexing his bicep.“没错。”我说,并与他握手。他握得很紧,就好像他在扩张他的二头肌一样。

6.He asked, standing up and stretching his arms over her head, rewarding Johannah with a bicep flex.他问,站起来,伸展双臂在她的头上,奖励与二头肌弯曲约翰纳。

7.But at least one method, hormone implants, visibly bulge from a man's bicep.至少有一种方法如激素植入能明显地鼓起男人的二头肌。

8.Because computer bags usually have handles, these can be great for exercises pke bicep curls, lateral raises or one-armed rows.因为电脑包通常有手柄,这对于锻炼屈臂、侧举、或是单臂弯曲非常有好处。

9.Both exercises force you to pft your own body weight, giving you the maximum bicep and back workout.引起向上的两种运动形式都要求你将自己的身体整个提起来,这样做让二头肌以及背部得到最大的锻炼。

10.The squat to bicep curl uses weights and mimics the action of pfting a laundry basket, laptop bag or young child from the floor.下蹲屈臂用到了哑铃,模仿了从地上拎干洗篮、电脑包或小孩的动作。