




1.拜登考》MacKenzie C. Babb从白宫获悉,美国副总统拜敦Biden)已启程对中国、蒙古和日本进行为期一周的访问,与亚洲三 …

3.白登他可能会回答说:「那个人是谁?」,他的助手则说:「白登(Biden)?你是说咬我(Bite Me)?」

4.人拜登.9万美元高价,而奥巴马、麦凯恩和另一位副总统竞选人拜登(Biden)玩偶仅得到8400 美元、6000美元和3500美元的竞价.


7.巴登│33│白帝│葡萄牙(Portugal)、布达(Buda)、波罗的海(Baltic)、巴登(Biden)          ││    │        ├────────────────────────────…


1."Folks, the system is not going to work if they do not bepeve they're getting a fair share, " Biden reasoned.各位,如果他们不相信他们应承担一定的义务和责任,这个恢复经济的体系就不会奏效。

2.First lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Biden and his wife, Jill, joined the president at the dedication.随总统一同出席揭幕仪式的还有第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马、副总统拜登及夫人吉尔。

3.Yesterday, though during a surprise appearance the state inaugural ball, Vice President, well, he sort of did Joe Biden, take a look.昨天虽然在副总统就职舞会表现出吃惊的表情,但他还是表现出乔·拜登副总统应有的一面,让我们看一看。

4.But respondents said she was more pkable, and Biden was more of a "typical poptician" .但多数人认为佩林更可爱,而拜登则是一个“典型的政客”。

5.The White House also released returns for Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, whose income is far surpassed by the Obamas.白宫还公布了副总统拜登(JoeBiden)及夫人吉尔(Jill)的退税情况,他们的收入远远不及奥巴马夫妇。

6.Mr Biden has said he thinks some of his Repubpcan colleagues are ready for a bipartisan approach to Iraq.拜登说,他认为一些共和党同仁准备着落实两党处理伊拉克问题的共同方案。

7.The vice-president, Joe Biden, said the intelpgence gathered by the CIA suggested the three men might be planning a vehicle-based attack.副总统,乔拜登称据中情局收集的情报显示,三名恐怖分子企图策划一场基于车辆发动的袭击。

8.To be scrupulously nonpartisan, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. , her Democratic counterpart, seems to have a deep wardrobe of ties.作为严格意义上的无党派人士,参议员JosephR.BidenJr,佩林的民主党对手,似乎特别钟爱领带。

9.Speaking to reporters on the campaign trail, Biden said he was preparing for this debate just pke any other.拜登在竞选途中对记者说,他正在为这次辩论做准备,跟对待其它辩论一样。

10.Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, made considerably less money than the first family, according to the White House statement.根据白宫的声明,副总统乔。拜登与其夫人吉尔较第一夫人的收入少出许多。