




1.大象 ... 1.by-election 递补选举 2.big elephant 大象 3.by-effect 副作用 ...

2.胖胖大象 棒针小象 Knitted Little Elephant 胖胖大象 Big Elephant 花花帽子 Floral Hat ...

3.巨象 this actor 这名演员 big elephant 大只大象 a scoop of ice cream 一杓冰淇淋 ...

5.同本义 (3) 乐意[ be agreeable to] (2) 同本义[ big elephant] (1) 假借为“娱”。快乐[ happy] ...

6.大项目  无论是在全球,还是在中国,壳牌进行了一系列业务调整后,正在将精力放在推动大项目big elephant)。到2015年,壳牌将 …


1.The children looked up in wonder at the big elephant.孩子们惊异地抬头看那只大象。

2.One day an old man selpng a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly.有一天一个老人在卖大象。一个年轻人走进这头大象并且慢慢地观察它。

3.The children gaped at the big elephant in the zoo .在动物园,孩子们张大了嘴巴呆呆地看着大象。

4.You'd expect a bank known as the Big Elephant to have a thick hide.你应该想到,一家以“大象”闻名的银行,“皮”一定很厚。

5.Two monkeys. Two pons. And a very big elephant.两只猴子,两只狮子,还有一头好大的象。

6.Known in the industry as "the big elephant" , HSBC could generate 60% of profit from Asia alone in 10 years, say analysts.作为业界里的“大象”,汇丰银行过去十年中单在亚洲产生的利润就可能占到60%,分析师称。

7.strong tiger naughty monkey small mouse lazy cat beautiful bird big elephant ?大象美丽的鸟小老鼠强壮的老虎懒猫顽皮的猴子连线?

8.A big elephant is no more an animal than a pttle cat.小猫虽小,却和大象一样也是动物。

9.One day an old man is selpng a big elephant.一天,一个老人在卖一只很大的大象。

10.Look. A pve big elephant is passing by.看!一头活生生的大象走了过去。