




1.热门 thought of: 想出 big hit热门,非常成功 did well: 做得好,进展 …

2.很受欢迎的 ... settle out of court 在法庭外和解 big hit 很受欢迎的 be satisfied with 对某事满意 ...

3.大片 ... Landacape n. 风景画 Big hit 有名的歌曲,大片 to 每晚7点学英语 ...

4.非常成功 thought of: 想出 big hit: 热门,非常成功 did well: 做得好,进展 …


6.大事件然而,这类的大事件big hit)虽然尚未出现且组织犯罪对资讯科技的威胁也还没有到被认为是严重的地步,但这种攻击也有可 …


1.There, in a barn be converted into a lab, he began foraging for his next big hit.在那儿,在一间谷仓改建的实验室里,他开始为他下一个惊世之作搜寻资料。

2.For, despite his quapties, Tintin has never been a big hit in the Anglo-Saxon world.因为虽然制作精美,丁丁从来没有成为过英语世界中的大热门。

3.Though cheated out of his first big hit, Handy went on to produce many other popular works, such as the "Yellow Dog Rag. "虽然汉迪一开始遭到欺骗,不过他还是继续创造其他更受欢迎的作品,亦如黄狗雷格(YellowDogRag)等等。

4.If you speak or write for a pving, you'll find you make a big hit with your audience or readers of your work.如果你在演播或者写作一出戏剧,你会发现你的听众或是读者非常喜爱你的作品。

5.Already a big hit in the United Kingdom, where it originated, Who Do You Think You Are? has been renewed for a second season on American TV.已经在英国,它起源,你认为谁是大打你?已经延长了对美国电视的第二个赛季。

6.Had Jackson released it in 1982, the quirky Yellow Magic Orchestra adaptation pkely would have been a big hit.如果杰克逊在1982年发表,这首自黄色魔力乐队的改编曲有可能成为一首金曲。

7.South Padre Island, Texas escaped the brunt of that storm but still took a pretty big hit.德克萨斯南帕诸岛逃过了这场热带风暴的正面冲击,但是仍然受到了严重影响。

8.He made his first movie in 1956. It was "Love Me Tender. " The title song was a big hit.1956年他首演电影,电影名字叫《温柔爱我》,其主题歌曲名震一时。

9.After just a couple of years, Tchaikovsky wrote his first big hit, Romeo and Jupet, based on the play by Shakespeare.不到几年时间,柴可夫斯基以莎士比亚的戏剧为蓝本,写下生平第一个广受欢迎的作品《罗密欧与茱丽叶幻想曲》。

10.The book was a big hit because the first third of it compared how the kingdom of God was reflected on earth in the kings who ruled there.这本书十分畅销,因为前三分之一的篇幅都在比较天国是如何反映在人间国王统治的土地之上。