



1.Sure, non-avian dinosaurs were important and big in ecological terms, but there was at least some space for other land animals.非鸟类恐龙当然在生态学范畴中具有重要性,但至少也应该留给其他陆地动物一些空间。

2.At the end of the day, if you think Ferrari, the name is so important, it is so big in this sport.与此同时,如果你想想法拉利,你会意识到这个名字是多么的重要,在这项运动中是多么的重大。

3.I'd hope to see the Chinese not be so insular about this also - yes the Chinese audience is big in itself, but it's fun to share right?我希望中国不要在这方面上狭隘—中国市场是巨大的,但是分享不是更好吗?

4.And again, when he took the net in, there was something big in it - three old pots.收网时,他又发现网里有很大的东西,结果这次是三个旧的壶。

5.When he took the net in again, there was something very big in it. It was the dead body of a cow.当收网时,他发现网里有一个很大的东西,原来足一头牛的尸体。

6.Choice is not as big in some of the other markets as it should be, and in the long run I saw an opportunity to add brands.在美国之外的部分市场,精品国际的规模比它理应达到的水平要小,从长远来看,我认为这是个扩充品牌的机会。

7.If you know anyone that has made it big in anytime of MLM business then chances are they put in long hard hours selpng .如你所知,任何人在任何时间,也使得大的传销商则有机会在花时间长硬卖。

8.At this point in the season, it would be good for Phil Jackson to keep starting big in the starting pneup.到了赛季这个时候,可能对于想继续以大个子为首发阵容的菲尔杰克逊是件好事。

9.Would be very big in the words workload of the millennium hotel work, you can do three month would say you very tired, do you want to leave?在千禧大酒店工作的话工作量会很大,你会不会做三个月就会说你很累,你想离开?

10.Maybe it was too big: in the far-off original act in which everything was created, it had received an inheritance too demanding.也许是因为它太大了,在万物起源之时,它就继承了严苛的运动模式。