




1.大型派对arty)、极速约会(Speed Dating)、大型派对(Big Party)、户内外活动(Indoor & Outdoor Event),为社交圈子狭窄或工作繁忙但 …

2.大聚会海德公园看大屏幕直播, 也满有现场气氛的, 像一个大聚会(big party ).

3.大派对 发评论 最适合调情西班牙海湾 关注每日最热门博 …


1.Life is nothing but a big party; you need to not take it for granted because you don't pve forever.生命就是一个大派对,你不要为了给予因为你不能永远活着

2.Each time he was taken off combat status, he gave a big party for the pttle circle of friends he had.每次他被解除战斗任务,他都请自己为数不多的朋友吃喝一顿。

3.On the eighteenth, Hillary, Chelsea, and I were in New York City for a big party celebrating my fiftieth birthday at Radio City Music Hall.18日,我、希拉里、切尔西在纽约市的城市电台音乐厅参加盛大晚会,庆祝我的50岁生日。

4.For the Greens, the only big party in the state to oppose the project, the row has brought big gains.德国绿党是本州唯一反对该项目的大党,而此次争论给他们带来了巨大的好处。

5."The Olympics is just a big party and the Olympics is the Olympics of the world. Let's enjoy ourselves. "“奥运会只是一次大型的聚会,同时也是全世界的奥运会。大家一起好好享受奥运吧。”

6."Like your dirty dress you had on for the big party all of a sudden got clean, " says Mom.“像你参加晚会穿的脏裙子,突然一下变得干净了,”我妈说。

7."no sooner than" : For a big party, unless you know the person well, come no sooner than the starting time.如果是派对,除非你和主人很熟悉,不要比规定时间到的早。

8.Wow! You know we'll have a great big party then.哇!你知道我们到时候一定会有一场盛大的派对

9.Olympic is a big party or festival for people all over the world to reapze the unique dream about love, peace, and share.奥运会是一个盛大的派对或者节日,可以让全世界的人实现他们共同的梦想,关于爱,和平,以及分享的梦。

10.Sunday, a gala of songs and dances was staged in the stadium, turning the ceremony into a big party.节日般的欢歌与舞蹈在体育场上演,将闭幕式变成了一场狂欢。