




1.大秀哥 Undertaker 送葬者 Big-Show 大秀哥 R-Truth 眞理 ...


1.How about this sweater? It looks too big. Show me a smaller one, please.这件毛衣怎么样?看上去太大了。请给我件稍小一点的。

2.Prior to the big show we have retail sales out of the EU, Switzerland, and Germany, as well as UK PMI and GDP out of the Euro Zone.在此之前,我们将看到欧盟、瑞士以及德国零售销售;英国采购经理人指数还有欧元区GDP。

3.Outwardly they were making a big show of obeying God, but actually they did not practice what they preached.表面上,他们毕恭毕敬地谨守神的命令,但实质上却没有真正实行出来。

4.In my opinion, I feel the do people want thick road, should be modest, but do not talk big, big show off their own.我的观点,我觉的做人要厚道,应该谦虚,而不要说大话,大肆的炫耀自己。

5.because if you so legitimately happy , honestly. . . you wouldn't feel the need to make a big show out of it.因为如果你真的觉得幸福,老实说……你就不需要去做场结婚秀来展示。

6.Because if you are so legitimately happy, honestly, you wouldn'tneed to make a big show out of it. U wouldn't have to broadcast it.诚实地说,如果你们两是合法地在一起的,你不会把它展示给别人看,因为你没有必要把它宣扬出去。

7.So your band has booked its first big show at the coolest club in the city and you want the place packed.假设你的乐队在城里订下了最棒的club,准备首场大型演出,而你希望能有很多人来捧场。

8.In the meantime, we got a sneak peek today at the seating plans for the big show.在此期间,本次颁奖礼的座位名单被我们今天先睹为快了。

9.China, pke many actors, Su also into Hollywood, and Fu Yi is the big show is the production of the film.和众多中国演员一样,苏有朋也要进军好莱坞了,而且是甫一亮相就是大制作影片。

10.Make a big show of using the expensive stuff then pick his up, look at it, and put it back down with a sigh.用这些借来的昂贵的美容品上演一出好戏吧:把他的美容品拿起来,看一会儿,然后叹口气把它放回去。