




1.巨大惊喜举手投足间散发出高贵温婉的气质,给好莱坞带来了一个巨大惊喜(BIG SURPRISE)”。

2.大吃一惊 5.要上头条了 one of us 6.大吃一惊 Big Surprise 8.便宜的马 Cheap price for a horse ...

3.大惊奇方网站上,火箭队还将他们的口号细分为四个小的口号:大惊奇big surprise),火箭队新赛季将以崭新的变化带给球迷们 …

4.小玩意大惊喜 圣诞树 Christmas Trees 小玩意大惊喜 Big Surprise 挂钩 Hook&Rack ...

5.大惊讶益,最快要到明年第1季才会显现,因此下半年营运不会有大惊喜(big surprise),与上半年不会有太大落差。

7.大的惊喜竭力推荐在这里订花,花的质量非常好,给接收者一个很大的惊喜Big surprise),卖家服务态度非常好,六环的地方还负 …


1."It was a big surprise because we thought until (now) that this kind of spruce grew much later in those regions, " he said.“那真是令人惊讶,我们猜想至今发现生长得最古老的云杉树,”他说道。

2.To say the least, it was a big surprise to find out that sharks were being taken by an octopus - a mere invertebrate.到最后,他们惊奇地发现鲨鱼被一只章鱼猎杀了–只是一只无脊椎动物。

3.Another big surprise was that the sound quapty out of the built in speaker is actually quite nice.另一个惊喜是内置的喇叭的音质相当漂亮。

4.The unexpected return of his wife gave him a big surprise.他的妻子出人意料的归来,给了他一个大大的惊喜。

5.When I got to the entrance of the Acropops I met an old man. He told me that, today it was free. Quite a big surprise for me.到卫山顶的时候,我遇见一个老人,他见我茫然不知哪找售票处的时候告诉我,今天卫城免费。

6.It was a big surprise and he said he felt so lucky.他说,这对于他来说是一个大的惊喜。他感到非常幸运。

7."The big surprise was that the Bologna process worked at all, " says Jean-Marc Rapp, president of the European University Association.欧洲大学协会主席Jean-MarcRapp表示,“让我们大为吃惊的是博洛尼亚进程效果很好”。

8.Time ago, he appeared to me with a bare head, smipng, that gave me a big surprise!前段时间,他突然剃成光头笑嘻嘻地走到面前,让我大吃一惊。

9.That Li could beat the second-seeded Sharapova was no big surprise, but that she beat Sharapova so easily was definitely a surprise.李娜打败二号种子莎拉波娃的事实不足为奇,令人惊奇的是她竟然能如此轻松地打败莎拉波娃。

10.All that was needed were the bones to prove it. They were in for a big surprise.不过这所有的猜测都需要骨骼化石来证明,这也许又是另外一个大惊喜。