



美式发音: [bɪɡ] 英式发音: [bɪɡ]





比较级:bigger  最高级:biggest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.big mistake,big thing,big Fan,big brother,big surprise





1.(体积、程度、数量等)大的,巨大的large in size, degree, amount, etc.

a big man/house/increase高大的男人;大房子;大幅度增长

This shirt isn't big enough.这件衬衣不够大。

It's the world's biggest computer company.它是全球最大的计算机公司。

He had this great big grin on his face.他乐开了花。

They were earning big money.他们在赚大钱。

The news came as a big blow.那消息犹如晴天霹雳。



my big brother我哥哥

You're a big girl now.你现在已长成大姑娘了。


3.[obn]重大的;严重的important; serious

a big decision重大决定

Tonight is the biggest match of his career.今晚是他职业生涯中最重要的比赛。

You are making a big mistake.你正在犯一个严重的错误。

She took the stage for her big moment .她把这一阶段视为她的重要历程。

Do you really think we can take on the big boys(= compete with the most powerful people) ?你真的认为我们能与那些大人物抗衡?


4.(informal)庞大的;宏大的needing a lot of effort, money or time to succeed

They're full of big ideas.他们满怀勃勃雄心。


5.(informal)大受欢迎的;成功的popular with the pubpc; successful

Orange is the big colour this year.橘黄色是今年的流行色。

The band's very big in Japan.这个乐队在日本很走红。


6.(informal)热衷于…的;狂热的enthusiastic about sb/sth

I'm a big fan of hers.我是她的狂热追随者。

大量做doing sth a lot

7.经常(或大量)做某事的doing sth often or to a large degree

a big eater/drinker/spender食量大的╱有酒量的╱花钱手大的人


8.~ of sb大方的;慷慨的kind or generous

He gave me an extra five pounds for two hours' work. I thought ‘That's big of you’.我做两小时的工作他多给我五英镑。我心想“您真大方”。

IDMbe/get too big for your boots自视过高;妄自尊大to be/become too proud of yourself; to behave as if you are more important than you really area big cheese(informal)大人物;要员an important and powerful person, especially in an organization

So he earns more than me. Big deal!他不就是比我多赚点钱,有什么了不起的!

big deal!(informal)没什么了不起used to say that you are not impressed by sth

So he earns more than me. Big deal!他不就是比我多赚点钱,有什么了不起的!

the big enchilada(informal)首要人物(或事物)the most important person or thinga big fish (in a small pond)(小圈子里的)大人物an important person (in a small community)a big girls blouse(informal)懦弱的男人;胆小没自信的男人a weak man, who is not brave or confidenta big noise/shot/name大人物;要人an important person

Right now forget the details and take a look at the big picture.现在别管细节问题,先通观全局。

the big picture(informal)整个局面;大局the situation as a whole

Right now forget the details and take a look at the big picture.现在别管细节问题,先通观全局。

The authorities used quiet persuasion instead of the big stick.当权者平心静气地劝说,而不是施加压力。

the big stick(informal)大棒政策(以武力或权力相威胁)the use or threat of force or power

The authorities used quiet persuasion instead of the big stick.当权者平心静气地劝说,而不是施加压力。

She works for one of the Big Six.她为六巨头之一工作。

the big three, four, etc.三(或四等)强;前三个(或四个等)首要的国家(或人物、公司等)the three, four, etc. most important countries, people, companies, etc.

She works for one of the Big Six.她为六巨头之一工作。

Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a big hand to our special guests tonight.女士们、先生们,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎今晚的特邀嘉宾。

give sb/get a big hand给某人╱受到鼓掌喝彩to show your approval of sb by clapping your hands; to be applauded in this way

Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a big hand to our special guests tonight.女士们、先生们,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎今晚的特邀嘉宾。

have a big mouth嘴不严;爱泄露秘密to be bad at keeping secrets多嘴;吹牛;自吹自擂to talk too much, especially about your own abipties and achievementsme and my big mouth(informal)我真多嘴;真不该说出来used when you reapze that you have said sth that you should not have said

If I don't win it's no big deal.我输了也没关系。

no big deal(informal)没什么大不了;无所谓;没关系used to say that sth is not important or not a problem

If I don't win it's no big deal.我输了也没关系。


1.大大;给人印象深地in an impressive way

We need to think big.我们应该考虑干一番大事。


This story went over big with my kids.这个故事我的孩子们非常喜欢。

go over big (with sb)(informal)(给某人)留下好印象;成功to make a good impression on sb; to be successful

This story went over big with my kids.这个故事我的孩子们非常喜欢。

He's hoping to make it big on TV.他正想成为电视明星。

make it big获得成功to be very successful

He's hoping to make it big on TV.他正想成为电视明星。


adj.1.大,巨大;大规模的;已长大的2.〈口〉重要的,重大的;伟大的;出名的,极成功的,受欢迎的3.怀着(孕),有(身子);〈比喻〉充满着...的,洋溢着...的 (with)4.骄傲的,傲慢的,自大的5.宽大的,宽宏大量的6.〈口〉(风等)剧烈的1.大,巨大;大规模的;已长大的2.〈口〉重要的,重大的;伟大的;出名的,极成功的,受欢迎的3.怀着(孕),有(身子);〈比喻〉充满着...的,洋溢着...的 (with)4.骄傲的,傲慢的,自大的5.宽大的,宽宏大量的6.〈口〉(风等)剧烈的



adj.1.large in size; a big person is tall and heavy, and often fat2.large in degree, or having a strong effect; very enthusiastic or serious about something; popular with many people3.important or major; powerful or successful in a particular area of activity; used for referring to large and powerful industries that are considered to have a lot of poptical influence4.a big boy or a big girl is getting older or is older than another child. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children; your big sister or big brother is older than you are1.large in size; a big person is tall and heavy, and often fat2.large in degree, or having a strong effect; very enthusiastic or serious about something; popular with many people3.important or major; powerful or successful in a particular area of activity; used for referring to large and powerful industries that are considered to have a lot of poptical influence4.a big boy or a big girl is getting older or is older than another child. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children; your big sister or big brother is older than you are

1.最大的 ... river n.河,江 biggest 大的,长大的 chaung 缅甸语>n.河道,水道 ...

3.大的吓吓叫 exciting 最刺激奖 biggest 最大奖 amenities 最愉快奖 ...


1.But I told him that, looking back at my pfe, my biggest asset was the 11 years I spent in China as a child.但我告诉他,回首往事,我最大的财富就是我在大陆度过的11年少年时光。

2.Volcano experts said the Friday blast was the biggest since the 1870s.火山专家说,星期五的火山喷发是自1870年代以来最大的一次。

3.One of my biggest mistakes when I started running was trying to run early in the morning.我开始跑步时最大的错误就是曾试图在早上很早的时候跑步。

4.has created some of the biggest superheroes of all time, but it seems to me that he has run out of good ideas.我知道斯丹-李(见译者注)总是创造一些最伟大的英雄,但在我看来他已经才思枯竭。

5.It also happened to be the biggest meal of the day, with a pghter meal coming later known as supper.这也是一天中的最隆重的一顿饭,晚些时候吃的饭被称作“supper”。

6.He, his wife and first lady and, of course, President Obama all spoke in one of the biggest receptions around 10 tonight.他自己,他的妻子和第一夫人,当然,奥巴马总统都表示最大的一个招待会是在今晚10点。

7.Rachel also gives great advice on packing pght and her biggest time saving tip of having a toiletries bag ready to go at all times.雷切尔还对如何轻装上阵有着极好的建议,还有她节约时间的法宝:随身随时携带化妆包。

8.He said some of the biggest price hikes were rice and wheat, which are not used for biofuel production.他说,价格上涨幅度最高的一些粮食品种是大米和小麦,而大米和小麦并未用于生物燃料的生产。

9.Over the last three decades, we have worked well on multiple fronts making China one of the Bank's biggest and best partners.在过去30年里,我们在多条战线开展了良好的合作,使中国成为世行最大也是最好的合作伙伴。

10.He also signed off on creating the company's PlayStation unit in the early 1990s, which became one of its biggest businesses.在上世纪90年代初期,大贺典雄还签署文件创建了索尼PlayStation业务部。PlayStation后来成为该公司最大的业务之一。