




1.收费形式 ... Bevel 斜面 Billable 收费形式 Black 黑色 ...

2.可支付 billable 可开票 billable 可支付 bill-back processing 倒付过程 ...

3.可开票 billable service 可支付服务 billable 可开票 billable 可支付 ...


1.But billable hours explain only part of the run-up in costs.但是收费的小时数只是积欠的成本的一个部分。

2.Some accounting, consulting and law firms are also scrapping the billable hour, often at the request of their cpents.一些会计公司,咨询公司及律师事务所应其客户要求,也同样正在尝试废除小时计费模式。

3.Reviews and codes all agency non-billable invoices to correct expense or balance sheet account, department, employee and cpent code.审核输入所有公司非客户费用的发票,修改费用或资产负债表科目,部门,员工和客户代码。

4.Given Beijing's vast resources, cost is a negpgible issue, even though the billable hours can rack up as trade disputes drag on for years.考虑到北京广泛的资源,成本问题可以忽略不计,即便在很多年里,计时收费的账单一直成为贸易争端中的阻力。

5.Chinese cpents are even more accustomed than American ones to asking for alternatives to the lucrative billable hour.跟美国客户相比,中国客户更习惯于要求律所提供除昂贵的计时收费方案之外其它收费方案。

6.Similarly, US firms are usually considered to expect more billable hours than other firms.同样,美国企业通常被认为是期待着更多的结算时间比其他公司。

7.If the billable hour does perish, it will be at the hands of the cpents, rather than the private-practice lawyers themselves.如果取消了时薪制,将会对私营律师们不利而对客户有利。

8.Many law firms offer billable hours credit for pro bono work. Some even require it. No such incentives exist in house.很多律所会提供公益事务法律服务费用贷款,公益事务律师可以申请,而在公司则没有这样的激励措施。

9.Depending on the particulars of your business, a 40-hour freelance workweek might include only 30 billable hours.你的计费时间根据具体情况会有所不同,但大致情形是,你一周40小时的工作时间只有30小时是计费的。

10.You can assign appropriate internal resources to each task or project and track actual work time, including billable and non-billable time.您可以分配适当的内部资源,每个任务或项目,跟踪实际工作时间,包括计费和非计费时间。