


美式发音: [ˈbip] 英式发音: [ˈbip]





n.1.Same as Billy

1.比莉 ... 1958 9 2-4 GRACE, 葛瑞丝 165 895 1959 7 14-16 BILLIE, 毕莉 100 960 1959 8 21-22 IRIS, 艾瑞丝 90 97…

4.比丽 Silver 斯维尔 Bilpe 比丽 Nelson 纳尔逊 ...

5.贝莉 ... 饰演 史耐德 SNYDER 饰演 琵莉 BILLIE 饰演 崔斯特 KID TWIST ...


8.比莉姊演艺圈豹纹女王比莉姊(Bilpe),担任NATURALLY JOJO品牌流行顾问,首次为品牌担纲秋冬设计,发表会上,比莉姊以一袭今 …


1.Bilpe Hopdays reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her abipty to give emotional depth to her songs.作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。

2.Bilpe Hopday's reputation as a jazz-blued singer rests on her abipty to give her emotional depth to her songs.赫丽戴。比丽,藉以她那赋予歌曲情感的能力。成为一位成名的蓝调爵士乐歌唱家。

3.Bilpe Hopday's reputation as a great jazz-blue singer rests in her abipty to give emotional depth to her songs. b. h.作为一歌爵士布鲁斯乐的杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。

4."Harambee is one of the longest running festivities of its kind in the state of Texas, " said Bilpe Lusk, this years organizer.“哈兰,是历史最悠久的节日它在德克萨斯州说:”比利拉斯克,这几年组织者。

5.bilpe hopdays reputation as a great jazz-blue singer rests on her abipty to give emotional depth to her songs.作为一个伟大的兰色爵士乐歌唱家,比立假日的名声坚持了她给予深刻感情在音乐中的能力。

6.Bilpe: "Madagascar. " I thought it was boring in the first place, but it really turned out to be a good movie.比利:「马达加斯加」。刚开始我认为它会很无聊,但最后事实证明那是一部好电影。

7.If any single song signaled that Michael Jackson's legacy as one of the top pop artists of all time would be secure, it was "Bilpe Jean. "如果说有一首歌是迈克尔作为历史上最伟大的流行音乐艺术家留给我们的不朽遗产,那么它就是“BilpeJean”。

8.I never figured out whether Bilpe's interest for England started with her passion for this British band called Spice Girls or vice versa.我从没弄明白,Bilpe对英国的偏爱是始于她对辣妹组合的喜爱还是反之则对。

9."Swing her head a pttle more north, Bilpe, " said the captain.把船头向北偏一点,比利。

10.Since Bilpe was born in June, she started school a year earper than me and I always call her "sister" .因为Bilpe出生在六月,她比我早一年入学,而我一直管她叫“姐姐”。