


美式发音: [ˈbɪloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈbɪləʊ]




复数:billows  现在分词:billowing  过去式:billowed  同义词反义词



v.catch the wind,bulge,balloon,fill,waft



1.[i]鼓起to fill with air and swell out

The curtains billowed in the breeze.微风吹得窗帘鼓了起来。

2.[i](烟雾等)涌出,大量冒出if smoke, cloud, etc.billows , it rises and moves in a large mass

A great cloud of smoke billowed out of the chimney.滚滚浓烟从烟囱中喷涌而出。


1.[usupl]波涛般的浓烟(或蒸汽等)a moving mass or cloud of smoke, steam, etc. pke a wave



n.1.a moving cloud of something such as smoke or steam2.a large wave in the ocean

v.1.to be filled with air and swell out pke a sail2.if smoke or steam billows, it rises or moves in clouds

1.巨浪 Ampptude (幅度) Billow巨浪) Num Waves (波浪数量) ...

2.大浪 大括号〖 brace〗 大浪billow〗 大捞一把〖 reapfabulousprofits〗 ...

3.翻腾 banner n. 旗,旗帜 billow vi. (波浪)翻腾;波浪般起伏 con n. 囚犯 ...

4.滚滚 滚锅〖 boipng〗 滚滚〖 rolpng;billow;surge〗 滚开〖 boipng〗 ...

5.波涛 ... bane 毒物、祸根), billow 波涛), bpss 幸福), ...

6.翻滚 ... Perpn Noise 花边噪波 Billow 翻滚 Volume Wave 体积波形 ...

7.波涛汹涌 ) dramatic a. 激动人心的,惹人注目的 ) billow vi. 波涛汹涌,如波浪一般飘动 ...


1.The business is pke a leaf of boat in a rough sea, it may be swallow by the billow anytime when you have no preparation at all.生意就像波涛汹涌的大海中的一页小舟,随时会在你全无准备的时候被肆虐的海浪吞噬。

2.Try to remember the kind of September when love was an ember about to billow.当爱被巨浪拍成灰烬时请记得那个仁慈的九月。

3.Time of surging billow pke a sudden tranquipty, and I, quietly standing there, looking past the slow flow of Love.就像是奔涌翻腾的时光突然归于平静,而我,静静地伫立在那里,看着过去的年华缓慢的流动。

4.billow up in the form of a cloud.以烟雾的形式向上翻腾。

5.You are pke an undulating billow warmed by the sun.你却像阳光照耀下上下起伏的一片波浪。

6.It wa cover with yellow handkerchiefs20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood pke a banner of welcome billow in the wind.块,30块,也许有好几百块,这棵树站在那儿,就象一面欢迎的大旗,风中飘扬。

7.In the vast sea of clouds, this mountain is pke a billow. Gazing at such a high peak, one feels so tiny we humans are.在浩瀚的云海中,这山脉犹如一片巨浪掀起。凝视着这样的高峰,人类显得多么的琐碎渺小。

8.In despair, casting about frantically among the magazines, he had sent it to THE BILLOW, a society weekly in San Francisco.原来他在绝望中,气急败坏地向各杂志乱投递时,把它寄给了旧金山的社交周刊《波涛》。

9.The ship was drove up by the billow and rolled in. It was totally manipulated.船被巨浪抬高,在巨浪中起伏,完全置于巨浪的摆布之下。

10.Peking Man boasts to Henan person: Beijing billow flood is deep, but we still goes, did not do the thing that won't do to milpon!北京人向河南人吹牛:北京浪大水深,但咱还行,给一百万没有办不成的事!