




1.宾厄姆 宾汉姆流体 宾汉剪应力 宾汉姆浆液 宾汉切应力 宾汉BINGHAM)模型 宾汉体模型 宾汉黏度计 宾汉方程式 宾汉屈服值 宾 …

3.宾汉姆种基本元件进行简介,通过将三种基本元件进行组合形成宾汗姆(Bingham)模型,并用该模型对水泥基复合材料的徐变和松弛进 …

6.宾汉型 Clayfield 43 coagulation 聚结 44 Bergstrom 117,257,261,265 Bingham 宾汉型 91, 113 ...


1.In his tan coveralls Joseph Bingham now walked up the driveway of one of these houses, glancing at his watch.身着棕褐色工作服的约瑟夫·宾厄姆走上了雪松庄园其中一间房子的车道,边走边看手表。

2.The formulas used to calculate the pressure fall and flow rate of Newtonian and Bingham fluids flowing in actual well hole are also derived.文中还导出了计算牛顿流体与宾汉流体在实际井眼内流动的压降与流量计算公式。

3.The results show that the temperature distribution of Bingham fluid is similar to its velocity distribution.结果表明,宾汉流体截面上的温度分布与速度分布近似;

4.The plot follows the adventures of society beauty Priscilla Bingham, whose husband, Talbot, dies after 10 years of marriage.故事的线索围绕着社交名媛普里西拉·宾厄姆的经历展开,她的丈夫塔尔博特在婚后十年去世。

5.The Bingham Canyon Mine, also known as the Kennecott Copper Mine, is located in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.宾厄姆峡谷矿井地处美国犹他州盐湖城,肯尼科特铜矿使其闻名遐迩。

6.The next round will be Stuart - Bingham for a seat in the quarter-finals.下一轮将与斯图亚特-宾汉姆争夺的一个八强席位。

7.In accordance with the theory of fluid mechanics, the borehole stress distribution was deducted as pore fluid was Bingham fluid.根据渗流力学以及弹性力学理论,求解了孔隙流体为宾汉流体时的井眼围岩应力分布状态。

8.In the second frame of his first-round victory over Stuart Bingham, it took 'The Rocket' just seven minutes to depver a clearance of 140.在打败斯图亚特·宾汉姆的第一轮比赛的第二局中,这位“火箭人”只用了七分钟就单杆拿下140分。

9.The paper explores the flow for retarded adhesive mortar with Bingham pquid in a single-screw extruder on the basis of test.在实验的基础上,研究了宾汉姆体的缓凝砂浆在单螺杆挤出机中的流动;

10.The revised coefficients of rheology survey data on power-law, Bingham and Cas-son fluids are produced on the principle of rheometer.根据旋转粘度计设计原理导出幂律、宾汉、卡森等非牛顿流体流变性测试结果的修正系数。