




1.宾基 贝恩( Bane) 宾基( Binky) 巴克比克( Buckbeak) ...

2.米朵琪 黄美熙 AYUKI 米朵琪 Binky 张希 paryx ...

3.小丑 ... 查理萝拉: CharpeLola 亚马逊读者推荐幼儿好书 > BINKY 亚马逊读者推荐幼儿好书 > HIGHER ! HOGHER …


1.Man : Listen, son. One day an Austrapan tourist with half a brain decided to get really close to Binky. She wanted to take a good picture.男人:听着,孩子。有一天,一个愚蠢的澳洲观光客想要非常靠近冰奇。她想要照张好照片。

2.Yeah, well, kind of hard to do with Mr. Binky staring at me.好吧,就说我无法忍受Binky色眯眯的看着我

3.Sam : What happened? Did Binky come up and shake her hand?山姆:然后发生了什么事?冰奇走过来跟她握手吗?

4.At that age, pacifier use can cause lasting dental problems, so your child should be off the binky by then.在这个年龄段使用奶嘴就会造成长久性的牙齿问题,所以你的孩子在那之前必须戒掉奶嘴。

5.She pved defiantly alone except for Binky, her tabby cat.除了和她的灰猫宾其在一起,她总是叛逆而孤独地生活着。

6.Binky Chadha, chief strategist for Deutsche Bank in New York, has been predicting the S&P 500 will hit 1550 by the end of 2011.德意志银行(DeutscheBank)驻纽约首席策略师查达(BinkyChadha)一直预计标普500将在2011年年内达到1550点。

7.In meeting. Binky in suit pocket.在开会。套装口袋里的小丑宾基。

8.Man : Maybe you should be, boy. Why, back when I pved in Alaska, our zoo had a polar bear named Binky.男人:也许你该害怕,小子。啊,以前我住在阿拉斯加的时候,我们的动物园有只叫冰奇的北极熊。

9."Wow, Max, look at those tattoos, " Binky said.“哇,马克斯,你的纹身好酷啊,”宾吉说。

10.Just be aware that there are some reasons to consider banishing the binky sooner rather than later.只是你必须意识到这个习惯迟早是要消除的,可以看看以下的几个原因。