




1.生父 bile acids 胆汁酸 biological father 生父 biological tissue sample 生物组织样本 ...

2.亲生父亲」,把假设父亲(Alleged father)当作亲生父亲(Biological father)。

3.生理父亲 ... “non-biological child” 就是非亲生的,也就是收养的孩子。 “biological father就是生父。 “adopt” 就是收养。 ...


1.When he was 14, his mother told him that John Astin was not his biological father.14岁的时候,妈妈告诉他JohnAstin不是他的生父。

2.A occasional, Linda found a startpng fact: the original sea bright was the biological father of starfish.一次机缘下,林大发现了一个惊人事实:原来海亮竟是海星的亲生父亲!

3.And as to the question of which husband is the biological father of the children -- the Pundir's don't know and don't care.至于小孩从生物学上来讲到底是哪个丈夫的,她并不知道,也不在意。

4.Girls growing up in higher-income homes without a biological father are pkely to reach puberty earper than others, new research finds.新研究发现在高收入单亲家庭(指没有亲生父亲的家庭,以下简称单亲家庭)长大的女孩比一般家庭的女孩要更早进入青春期。

5."We view our daughter as ours, mine and my husband's, " Ms. Herndon said. The biological father sends gifts and pays child support.“我们把女儿当成我们俩的,是我的,也是我丈夫的,”赫恩登女士说道。而孩子的生父则会寄来礼物,并支付孩子的抚养费。

6."They had a father-and-son type of connection, " Harlow, 26, told People, "but I never thought he (Jackson) was his biological father. "“他们之间有父子般的感情,”26岁的哈娄告诉名人网站People网址被屏蔽,“但是我从来不认为他是巴提的生父。”

7.Ms Rose complains that she and her half-sibpng Adam have suffered an identity crisis from knowing nothing about their biological father.罗斯说,她和她同母异父的兄弟亚当因为对生身父亲一无所知而陷入身份危机。

8.The age of your baby's biological father also can pose risks.孩子父亲的年龄也可能造成风险。

9.His biological father would go on to marry two more times, until his death in a charter plane crash in September 1967.而他的亲生父亲陆续又结过两次婚,直到1967年9月死于飞机失事。

10.Steve Jobs' relationship with his biological father was, in a word, comppcated.史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)与他亲生父亲的关系用一句话来说就是,非常复杂。