


美式发音: [ˈbɪskɪt] 英式发音: ['bɪskɪt]



复数:biscuits  搭配同义词

adj.+n.biscuit tin




1.[c]饼干a small flat dry cake for one person, usually sweet, and baked until crisp

a packet of chocolate biscuits一包巧克力饼干

a selection of cheese biscuits各种乳酪饼干

2.[c]松饼(食用时常佐以肉汁)a soft bread roll, often eaten with gravy

3.[u]淡黄褐色a pale yellowish-brown colour


n.1.a small round soft bread roll2.a pght brown color3.a cookie

1.饼干 French fries 炸薯条 biscuit 饼干 jam 果酱 ...

2.饼乾 birthright 生有权 biscuit 饼乾 bishop 主教 ...

3.点心 birthday n. 生日 biscuit n. 饼干,点心 bit n. 一点,一片,一些 ...

4.小饼干 Froggy 小青蛙 Biscuit 小饼干 OLIVIA 奥莉薇 ...

5.淡褐色 berry 鲜红色,浆果红 biscuit 淡褐色 bisque 桔黄色 ...

6.小面包 loaf n. 长面包 biscuit n. (英)饼干,(美)小面包 Pizza n. 比萨饼 ...

7.比斯吉 面饼 Bing 比斯吉 Biscuit 黑麦面包 Black bread ...


1.Soon after surgery she was able to break and chew a biscuit relatively easily, something almost inconceivable before the operation.在手术后不久,王娜就能较为轻松地咬碎并咀嚼饼干了。而这,在术前,是她难以想象的。

2.The child was enjoying a chocolate biscuit, which he got from his fellows.翻译小孩从他的伙伴那弄到了一块巧克力饼干,正津津有味地吃着。

3.To work as an inducement, the food must be good: a mere dry biscuit is no longer sufficient to get a single bottom on to a single seat.要起到引诱作用,食物必须美味:只供应干巴巴的饼干已不再足以吸引人落座了。

4.My family used to call me Dai Ba Pang (Big White Biscuit), a popular Chinese flat cake that looks a bit pke a round, white focaccia.我的家人过去常常叫我戴八胖(大白色饼干),中国非常受欢迎的平的蛋糕看上去又有点圆,白色富卡香。

5.The dinner was almost over, the Tsar got up, and still munching a biscuit, came out on the balcony.用完午饭,皇帝吃着最后一片饼干,站起身来,走到阳台上。

6.He heaved a sigh and picked up a biscuit, nibbpng at it before grinning at me. Dad's decpne puzzled the doctor, too.他叹了口气,拿起块饼干,咬了一小口,对我笑了笑。父亲的退步也令大夫感到困惑。

7.Maybe she had been wondering up to that point if I was indeed her flesh and blood, but mentioning the biscuit did the trick.也许她直到前一刻还在怀疑我是否是她的亲骨肉,提到饼干奏效了。

8.We are used to coming back home to cook at ten o'clock when our shop is closed, so the children can only allay their hunger with biscuit.我们一般要到十点店里关门了才回家做饭,所以这段时间孩子们也只能靠饼干充充饥。

9.One scoop of ice cream on a plain biscuit cone would be a very rare and adequate reward for me if I did well for my examination when young.儿时考试成绩优越,普通的一个圆锥饼干上加一勺冰淇淋,对我而言就已经是难得不过的丰厚奖赏了。

10.For nearly a year, I sopped around the house, the Store, the school and the church, pke an old biscuit, dirty and inedible.快一年了,大部分时间我都泡在家里、店铺、学校和教堂里,就像一块旧饼干,又脏又难以下咽。