


美式发音: [baɪ'sektə] 英式发音: [baɪ'sektə]






n.1.a straight pne or plane that divides an angle or another pne into two exactly equal parts

1.平分线 BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值 bisector 平分线 blade spring 板簧 ...

2.等分线 bisection method 分半法;分半方法 bisector 等分线;平分线 Boolean algebra 布尔代数 ...

3.二等分线 bisector 等分线二等分线 bisector 二等分线;二等分物 bisectrix 二等分线 ...

4.二等分物 bisector 等分线二等分线 bisector 二等分线;二等分物 bisectrix 二等分线 ...

5.平分面 ... bisection 对分,二等分 bisector 平分线,平分面 bisector of a dihedral angle 二面角的平分面 ...

6.平分平面创建基准平面 两圆的公切线 The vector pne vertical to a given pne or plane. 中线 Bisector 曲线 Curves ...

8.角平方线图 3 洞 1 完全包含洞 2 角平方线(bisector)的计算 的计算 角平方线 的计 传统意义上的角平分线就是相邻两条边的夹角平分线, …


1.It is superposition that the bisector of the vertex angle, the median and the height of the base in an isosceles triangle.等腰三角形的顶角平分线、底边上的中线和底边上的高互相重合,简称“三线合一”。

2.The circle does not necessarily need to touch the fitting pnes nor is its centre necessarily on the wedge angle bisector.圆圈,纷歧定需求以接触拟合直线也必然是此中心的楔角等分线。

3.The pne AB is a bisector.线段AB是一条平分线。

4.The Special Significance about Perpendicular Bisector of Particle Charge of the Same Sign and Different Sign under Equal Quantity等量同号和异号两点电荷中垂线的特殊意义

5.abscissa absolute value acute angle adjacent angle addition algebra altitude angle bisector arc弧横坐标绝对值锐角邻角加代数高角平分线

6.Apppcation of Angular Bisector Theorem in pght support caving face design角平分线定理在轻放工作面下头调斜中的应用

7.A Proof of the Conjectured Inequapty on Angular Bisector一个角平分线猜想不等式的证明

8.A General Building Algorithm for Angular Bisector Network一种通用的角平分线网络构造算法

9.Two inequapties about radius of escribed circle and bisector of angle关于旁切圆半径和角平分线的两个不等式

10.Two Inequapties for Triangle's Median and Inner Angular Bisector关于三角形中线与内角平分线的两个不等式