




1.黑人  1977年,美国官方将“黑人”(black person)的称呼统一更正为“非裔美国人”(African American),把他们和亚裔美国人、拉丁裔 …


1.Lena Horne said that she was able to make movies because she was the kind of black person that white people could accept.利纳霍恩说,她能够拍电影,因为她是黑人,白人一种人们可以接受。

2.Colleagues in the bar with him said he was the only black person present.尼格本尼在酒吧一起喝酒的同事证实他是当天唯一的黑人。

3.I was looking forward to it until I got there. Apparently I am the only black person at my new school.我是学校里唯一一个黑人,很开心地赶了过去。

4.of American poptics, but they also acknowledge that it would be difficult to imagine a brown or black person leading France or Germany.欧洲人常嘲讽美国政治无聊乏味,但他们也不得不承认,无法想象由黄种人或黑人领导法国或德国。

5.His father is a black person who grew up in a small village in Kenya.他的黑人父亲成长于肯尼亚的一个小村庄。

6.There is no better way to say "I Voted for a Black Person" than with heirloom quapty fine porcelain.用瓷器作为传家宝,告诉子孙后代你“曾经为黑人投票”再好不过了。

7.I spotted about a half dozen Asians, three or four Latinos, and one black person. All the rest were white.我看到大约六个亚洲人,三个或四个拉美裔,还有一个黑人,其余的全是白人。

8.It was not only that he was the first black person to assume the globe's greatest office.这并不仅仅是因为他是首位入主世界最伟大办公室的黑人。

9.This porcelain plate proudly states "I voted for a black person" .这个瓷盘上自豪地印着“我为黑人投票”的字样。

10.But when you deal with a black person, I don't feel any bad vices.不过,当你对付黑人时,我倒认为干得好。