




1.黑鞋 ... 10. The judge dons the black cap. 法官戴着黑帽子. *black shoes 黑鞋 * a black suit 一套黑衣服 ...

2.黑鞋子 blue socks 蓝袜子 black shoes 黑鞋子 I've a red skirt. 我有一条红裙子。 ...

3.黑色皮鞋 □黑色西装( Black suit) □黑色皮鞋Black shoes) □黑色墨镜( Black glasses) ...

4.黑色的鞋子 1.第三课 Lesson three 3.黑色的鞋子 black shoes 4.三把小刀 three knives ...

5.用黑鞋油涂鞋 ... black lorry 抵制货车 black shoes 用黑鞋油涂鞋 blacken vt. 变黑 ...

6.擦皮鞋 ... the American blacks 美国黑人. black shoes 擦(黑)皮鞋. black out 灯火管制, 熄灯, 停止, 中断 ...


1.On a warm, miserable morning last week we went up to the Bronx Zoo to see the moose calf and to break in a new pair of black shoes.上周一个温暖而又凄凉的早上,我们去布朗克斯动物园看麋鹿,途中因双黑色新鞋不得不停下休息。

2.It doesn't have to be a perfect match, as long as you wear a black belt with black shoes and a brown belt with brown shoes.不用很完美,只要你系黑色皮带陪黑色鞋或者棕色皮带和棕色鞋就成了。

3.How much are the black shoes?例句这双黑鞋多少钱?

4.I used to wear black shoes now unilateral, wearing white shoes, at least a year have to wear 20 pairs!以前我穿黑色单边布鞋,现在改穿白球鞋了,一年至少也得穿坏20双!

5.I let go of her hand and she reached out to touch a pair of shiny black shoes with a strap and silver buckle.我松开她的手,她伸手去够一双银搭扣的光面黑鞋。

6.When Karen appeared at the ceremony with her red shoes, the minister advised her to wear black shoes instead of the red shoes.当凯伦穿着那双红鞋子出现在仪式上的时候,牧师建议她把红鞋子换掉,穿黑色的鞋子。

7.I was sitting at my computer one day wearing a silk cream blouse, my favorite black skirt and a pair of shiny black shoes.一天,我坐在计算机前,穿着奶油色的女衬衣、短裙和一双又黑又亮的皮鞋。

8.he was wearing a grey long overcoat , a black leather jacket , a pair of black trousers and a pair of black shoes when missing.他失踪当日身穿浅灰色长外衣、黑色皮褛、黑色西裤及黑色皮鞋。

9.Once known for his "bad boy" charm, Chen showed up in casual shirt and plain black shoes.曾以“坏男孩”魅力形象而著称的陈冠希,露面时穿着一件休闲衬衫和一双黑色便鞋。

10.Among the no-no's: more than three color shades in an outfit, white socks with black shoes, and pajamas and spppers in pubpc.衣着禁忌包括:全套服装的颜色超过三种,穿白色袜子搭配黑鞋,在公共场所穿睡衣和拖鞋。