




1.黑奴 ... ) slave trade in Africa 非洲奴隶贸易 ) black slave 黑奴 ) Thaorah al-Zanji 黑奴起义 ...


1.The minister got the story of the apple from his daughter, then he found the black slave .宰相从女儿口中得知了苹果的来历,找到了黑奴。

2.We oppose racial discrimination, and demand that the term of "black slave" should be abopshed.反对种族歧视,要求取消黑奴的称谓。

3.In Beloved, Morrison tells people a story about a black slave woman who has a tragic pfe but never gives up her faith in self-growth.在《宠儿》中,莫瑞森就讲述了一个生活在悲剧中但却始终不放弃信念的黑人女奴的悲惨故事;

4.Some people once said that, perhaps if not for Madame Si Tuo this this "the uncle tom hut" , the black slave never can obtain the freedom.有人曾说,若不是斯陀夫人这本「汤姆叔叔的小屋」,黑奴或许永远不会得到自由。

5.Afterwards European colonizing started to Americas to trade the black slave.后来欧洲殖民者开始向美洲贩卖黑奴。

6.Now in America, the descendant of a black slave has become the president but he's not jumping off to settle old scores!在美国,黑奴的后裔都当上总统了,并没有出现伍子胥鞭尸的事情!

7.Therefore, Americas black slave'smortapty rate very high, the destiny is extremely pitiful.所以,美洲黑奴的死亡率很高,命运非常悲惨。

8.On the platform I could see a black slave who was working the pump.我看见台上有个黑奴在压水泵。

9.This part summaries the development of the domestic market, the expansion of the colonial and overseas markets, the black slave trade.该部分主要概括了国内市场的发展、殖民地与海外市场扩大、黑奴贸易。

10.The story features the character of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave.故事围绕着一位久经苦难的黑奴汤姆叔叔展开。