



美式发音: [bleɪm] 英式发音: [bleɪm]


v.责备;怪在…头上 (on upon)


第三人称单数:blames  现在分词:blaming  过去式:blamed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take blame,shoulder blame,shift blame,apportion blame,bear blame

adj.+n.whole blame,main blame




v.censure,accuse,point the finger at,attribute,criticize



v.1.责备,谴责,非难,挑剔2.把...归咎于,怪在...头上 (on upon)

n.1.responsibility for an accident, problem, or bad situation

v.1.to say or think that someone or something is responsible for an accident, problem, or bad situation

1.指责型 Belief 相信 Blaming 责怪 Certainty 肯定 ...

4.责备型  The Machiavellian 权谋家  Blaming 谴责  Placating 讨好 ...

6.责怪之不必 循环报复:以暴力互相报复为自灭之途。 Cycle of Revenge 责怪:责怪之不必Blaming 僵见:为被僵化见解所罩者哀。 Ri…



1.I was stunned for a while, I did not expect this. . . So he was still feeling repentant and blaming himself over the matter just now!我呆了一下,我没预料到他会讲这些…原来他还为着刚才那件事深感懊悔、自责!

2.As soon as you do that, you begin to see things that you had completely missed when you were busy blaming others and making excuses.一旦你这样做了,你开始发现在你忙着责怪别人或找借口时完全忽略的事情。

3."I think in America, we've got to stop blaming the Chinese and blaming everybody else and take a look at ourselves, " he said.他说,我认为我们美国应该停止责备中国和其他国家,必须反躬自省。

4.He took to the airwaves and streets, taunting his opponents, blaming outside influence, and promising swift retribution.他控制广播电视和街道,嘲讽对手,谴责外部施加的影响,承诺迅速惩戒犯罪分子。

5.He also failed to turn up for a political debate, blaming Hurricane Irene. Mr Turner, who had been evacuated from his home, was ready.他也没出席政治辩论,并怪罪于飓风艾琳,而特纳却早已从家中撤离,并开始准备。

6.As is often the case, some are blaming the participation of speculators for these moves higher.像往常一样,有人把上述农产品价格的上涨归咎于投机者的参与。

7.Despite the tough competition, students do not seem to be blaming the government for the current difficult job situation.尽管竞争激烈,学生们对于现在的艰难求职出境并没有抱怨政府。

8.This makes him feel incompetent and a failure or that she is probably blaming him for her problems.这样一来,男人会产生无能和挫败感,他觉得女人很可能把问题归咎于他。

9.He said he found mathematics especially hard, blaming the subject for dragging down his score.他说他发现数学特别难,托了他的分。

10.For the most part, the public has shown him only kindness and sympathy to his face, refraining from blaming him for the tragedy.大部分公众当面对他表示的都是关心和同情,并没有将悲剧归罪于他。