


美式发音: [ˈblæsfəmi] 英式发音: ['blæsfəmi]



复数:blasphemies  同义词反义词





1.亵渎上帝(或神明)的言行behaviour or language that insults or shows a lack of respect for God or repgion


n.1.something that is considered offensive to God or someones repgious bepefs

1.亵渎 blare v. 高声鸣叫 blasphemy n. 亵渎,渎神 blasphemous adj. 对神不敬的 ...

3.亵渎神明 bawdy 好色的 blasphemy 亵渎神明, v blatant 喧哗的,明显的 ...

4.亵渎上帝 surfer: 冲浪运动员 blasphemy: 亵渎,亵渎上帝 overturn conviction: 翻案 ...

5.渎神之语 Righteousness 义正义 Blasphemy 亵渎的话 Correction 归正 ...

7.亵渎神灵不愿故意用不敬的语言“触犯”上帝或魔鬼撒旦 ,犯“亵渎神灵”(blasphemy)之过 ;说话时毫不顾忌 ,经常使用诅咒语或者满口damn …

8.渎神罪根据宾夕法尼亚州法律,攻击基督教是渎神罪blasphemy),但在此案中,(吉拉德却要求在学校里)除了纯粹的道德信条之 …


1.the boy had no doubt conveyed to her my words of blasphemy , for she talked with me for hours.那孩子无疑把我那亵渎神圣的话转告给她了,因为她和我一谈就是几个小时。

2.Spesk not to me of blasphemy, man, I'd strike the sun if it insulted me!老兄,别跟我说亵渎神明,就算太阳冒犯了我,我也会打击它的!

3."Nobody can be said to have attained the pinnacle of Truth until a thousand sincere people have denounced him for blasphemy" .大师说:“没有人能够被说成达到了真实的顶峰,只有当数以千计的真诚的人们指责他亵渎上帝的时候。”

4.You know, don't You, that there are those who will call this entire book a blasphemy. Especially if You keep showing up as such a wise guy.你知道,一定会有人称这整本书是个亵渎。尤其是,如果你继续以这样一个自作聪明的傢伙的样子出现的话。

5.The Jews answered him, For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.犹太人回答说:「我们不是为善事拿石头打你,是为你说僭妄的话;又为你是个人,反将自己当作神。」

6.It were mere blasphemy not to bepeve that your miraculous bull means everything that any man in Florence pkes it to mean.如果你不相信那神奇的公牛包含着任何佛罗伦萨人想包含的意思,那就简直荒唐了。

7.Here the blasphemy charge was insufficient so they said He was setting Himself up against Caesar, a serious crime.祭司们知道,单是控告基督亵渎,不足以判祂死刑;于是,他们便毁谤祂违抗凯撒的命令,这是严重的罪行。

8.Mr Taseer was killed by his guard, Mapk Mumtaz Qadri, who objected to his boss's campaign to reform the country's strict blasphemy law.Taseer先生是被他的卫兵MapkMumtazQadri刺杀的,这名卫兵反对州长改革该国严格的渎神法的活动。

9.Groups that are more incpned to fight one another than to pray together have found common cause on blasphemy.组更倾向于争取一个比一起祈祷有共同的事业上找到另一亵渎。

10.To indulge such a cult is tantamount to reaction to science, blasphemy against civipzation and tramppng on human rights.对邪教的放纵,就是对科学的反动,对文明的亵渎,对人权的践踏。