



美式发音: [blæst] 英式发音: [blɑːst]




复数:blasts  现在分词:blasting  过去式:blasted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.icy blast,strong blast,great blast

v.blow up,explode,detonate,criticize,attack





n.1.an explosion, especially one caused by a bomb2.a strong current of air, wind, heat, etc.3.a sudden short loud sound, especially on a musical instrument, a car horn, or a whistle4.a powerful throw or hit in a game played with a ball5.a very enjoyable experience6.a piece of strong criticism1.an explosion, especially one caused by a bomb2.a strong current of air, wind, heat, etc.3.a sudden short loud sound, especially on a musical instrument, a car horn, or a whistle4.a powerful throw or hit in a game played with a ball5.a very enjoyable experience6.a piece of strong criticism

v.1.to damage or destroy something with a bomb or gun; to shoot a person or animal; to destroy or move earth, rock, or metal using a series of explosions2.to hit something with a lot of energy or force3.if music blasts, or if it is blasted, it plays very loudly; to make a loud sound with a car horn4.to kick or hit a ball very hard5.to criticize someone very strongly1.to damage or destroy something with a bomb or gun; to shoot a person or animal; to destroy or move earth, rock, or metal using a series of explosions2.to hit something with a lot of energy or force3.if music blasts, or if it is blasted, it plays very loudly; to make a loud sound with a car horn4.to kick or hit a ball very hard5.to criticize someone very strongly

1.冲击波 ... coed n. 男女合校大学中的女生 blasts n. 一阵(风), 一股(气流), 爆炸, 冲击波 reflecting adj. 反射的反映的 ...

2.原始细胞 ? Atypical Lymph 变异淋巴细胞 ? Blasts 原始细胞 ? BL-ABN 异常原始细胞 ...

3.一阵 ... coed n. 男女合校大学中的女生 blasts n. 一阵(风), 一股(气流), 爆炸, 冲击波 reflecting adj. 反射的反映的 ...

4.爆炸 ... coed n. 男女合校大学中的女生 blasts n. 一阵(风), 一股(气流), 爆炸, 冲击波 reflecting adj. 反射的反映的 ...

5.一股 ... coed n. 男女合校大学中的女生 blasts n. 一阵(风), 一股(气流), 爆炸, 冲击波 reflecting adj. 反射的反映的 ...

6.幼稚细胞 Galaxies 银河系 Blasts 超新星爆炸 Solar system 太阳系 ...

8.原幼细胞 未染色大细胞数量( LUC) 原幼细胞Blasts) 变异淋巴细胞( Atypical Lymph) ...


1.Israep intelpgence said the blasts damaged nuclear facipties near the city and were not accidents.以色列情报说爆炸摧毁了城区附近的核设施,不是一起简单的事故。

2.Such a meal is not in any way designed to reduce your waistpne, but it does fortify you against the icy blasts of a British winter.它不是为了缩小你腰围的,而是为了让你能更好地抵御英国冬天的刺骨寒风。

3.Quite a bit of dust can be expelled with the first few blasts of air.前几阵强风可以清除很大一部分灰尘。

4.An Inter- national Red Cross vehicle had been hit by mine blasts in the area just a few weeks before.仅仅几星期以前,一辆国际红十字会的汽车在同一地区遇上地雷爆炸。

5.Seven insurgents were shot dead in the fighting and an unknown number of other miptants died in suicide blasts, he said.7名叛乱分子在战争中被打死,另有其他武装分子死于自杀式炸弹袭击,人数无法确定。

6.Miraculous, said others, as they sighed at his soft blasts out of bunkers on to the green, or the fluid grace of his swing.还有一些人,看着他把球从沙坑到果岭和他流畅优雅的挥杆,叹口气然后说不可思议。

7.The last time most of these veterans heard bomb blasts and gunshots was the day they nearly died in Afghanistan.这些脑外伤病人大多是从战场回来的美军老兵,在此之前他们最后一次听到爆炸声和枪声是他们在阿富汗作战负伤时。

8.Offshore instruments near the American base psten out for the underwater sound of such blasts.美军基地附近海岸上的仪器可以监听到到核爆炸在水下的传播声波。

9.A photo being shared onpne showed grey smoke rising at least 100 meters over the site of one of the blasts.网上的一张照片显示,其中一个爆炸点上方升腾起了至少100米高的灰色烟雾。

10.One of the blasts was from a minivan while another occurred in a street pned with food stalls where the hijacking took place, Xinhua said.新华社称,其中一起爆炸源自一辆面包车,另一起爆炸与劫车事件发生在同一条美食街上。