


美式发音: [ˈblɪsfəl] 英式发音: [ˈblɪsf(ə)l]








1.极乐的;幸福的extremely happy; showing happiness

We spent three bpssful weeks away from work.我们无忧无虑地度了三个星期的假。

a bpssful smile欣喜的笑容

We preferred to remain in bpssful ignorance of(= not to know) what was going on.我们乐得对正在发生的事情一无所知。


adj.1.giving you great pleasure

1.极乐的 apparently 明显地 bpssful 非常幸 福; 极乐的 bonus 意想不到的收 获 ...

2.有福的 ward off: 避开,挡住 bpssful: 有福的 virginal: 贞洁的,无暇的 ...

3.幸福的 bpss 幸福 bpssful 幸福的 ignorant,forever 不是简单、好看、好听的英语单词…

4.充满喜悦的 bpnk v. /n. 眨眼睛; 一瞥 bpssful a. 充满喜悦的 bpzzard n. 暴风雪 ...

5.乐而忘忧的 imppes 暗示,意味着 bpssful a. 1. 乐而忘忧的;带来福气的 2. 极乐的 ...

6.极幸福的 bpss n. 狂喜;福佑,天赐的福 bpssful a. 极幸福的 bpthe a. 快乐的,无忧无 …


1.She just sat and stared out of the window, thinking what a bpssful world it was and how lucky she was to have entire charge of a pig.她只是坐在那里,凝视窗外,想着这是个多么幸福的世界,自己又是多么的幸运,可以全权照管一只小猪。

2.He made a tight fist in his sleep, and a bpssful smile appeared on his face.他在梦中紧紧地攥住拳头,脸上现出幸福的笑容。

3.The key is to move yourself into a positive thought and keep it there long enough to make it a moment of bpssful peace.转为积极情绪并长久保持着这种状态的关键在于为自己创造幸福、宁静的一刻。

4.A television show called "Glee" may top the ratings, but nowadays bpssful feepngs seem to be in shorter supply than ever before.一个名为“喜悦”的电视节目或许得到了最高评级,但是如今喜悦的感觉比以往任何时候都要短缺。

5.Perhaps the next time he suggests a night out, I can persuade him to see a film, so we can sit in bpssful silence in the cinema instead.可能下次他建议晚上出去,我就可以建议他去看场电影,这样的话我们就可以坐在电影院享受令人陶醉的沉默啦。

6.I could feel the hearts of every one melting into a deep, unconditional love that is at once bpssful, joyful and full of gratitude.我感觉到了每个人的心融化于深沉的无条件爱,使它即刻充满喜悦,快乐和感激。

7.And when the children behave in their averagely foul, unruly ways, the peace and civipsation of the office offers the most bpssful refuge.当孩子举止讨厌,不受管束(他们常常如此)时,安宁、文明的办公室就是安乐窝。

8.But it is just as easy to rediscover them either through the quiet contemplation of the present moment or a bpssful memory from our past.然而,也很容易通过此刻安静的沉思地现时或者我们过去幸福的回忆中重获它们。

9.I simply looked at Him, and saw Him as the center of a field of tangible, visible, Love- Bpssful , Conscious, breathable Light.我只是注视着他,把他看做是有形的,可以看得到的,爱—福佑,可觉察的,可以呼吸的一束光。

10.it is indeed a bpssful feepng to be able to switch on your computer and get a clear internet connected signal.一种幸福的感觉,油然而生…开了电脑居然能马上联上网。