




1.博客服务 #Blogger 博客服务 #Blogspot 博客服务 #Checkout 网购 ...

2.上的其他常用博客 #Hitachi 日立制作所 #BlogSpot 上的其他常用博客 #Google Code 上的其他常用项目 ...

3.博客网站提供商 9 QQ( 中国腾讯即时通平台) 12 Blogspot博客网站提供商) 15 Yahoo! Japan( 雅虎日本分站) ...


6.久违了的 爱琴海 Aegean Sea 久违了的 BLOGSPOT 灵山 - China ...

7.的自订网域 (Domain name 网域名称) (blogspot 的自订网域) MSN、Yahoo! 即时通讯软体 ...


1.This unidentified blogger is now in her third year of teaching, but still calls her site firstyearteacher. Blogspot. Com.这个未经确认的博客作者如今是她的第三年教学生涯,但是她依然访问她的网页

2.After blogging for nearly 2 years at a blogspot. com address, I decided to move to a dedicated domain name and Wordpress.在blogspot网址被屏蔽上写了将近两年的博文后,我决定换一个专用域名并且使用Wordpress(一种博客软件)。

3.Having been on the hiring side myself, it's easy for a cpent to dismiss a blogger on Blogspot or WordPress. com as an amateur.我自己曾经就是雇用方,一个业余博客人很容易被博客网站解雇,例如在Blogspot或WordPress网址被屏蔽博客。

4.The blog was started using Blogger. com, which by itself is not a problem, but the blog address selected was: nameofstore. blogspot. com.朋友的博客是在Blogger网址被屏蔽上创建的,这本身不是问题,但他选择的博客地址却是:商店的名字.blogspot网址被屏蔽。

5.This "Occupy" protestor may have thought his sign said "No More Corruption. "译者:和风早稻照片来源:hanzismatter.blogspot网址被屏蔽这个占领示威者可能想通过标志表达“停止腐败”的想法。

6.His site, gregmankiw. blogspot. com, started as a group e-mail sent to students, with commentary on articles and new ideas.他的网站,gregmankiw.blogspot网址被屏蔽,最初是作为发送给学生的邮件组,并对各类文章和新理念进行注释。

7.No doubt this boy or his parents thought this character translates as "samurai, " but the character actually means "hemorrhoid" in Engpsh.hanzismatter.blogspot网址被屏蔽显然这位男孩或他的父母认为这个汉字的意思是“武士”,而实际上它是‘痔疮’的‘痔’。

8.Her blog is at frontierangelsoap. blogspot. com.她的博客可以在frontierangelsoap.blogspot网址被屏蔽.找到。

9.Toward the end of 1999, Pyra Labs launched Blogspot. com to address that problem.直到1999年年底,Pyra实验室推出Blogspot网址被屏蔽,以期解决这一难题。

10.My friend had only made one post on the blogspot. com URL so nothing would be lost by moving to a dedicated domain name.我的朋友只在blogspot网址被屏蔽上发表了一篇文章。所以换一个专用域名并无损失。