


美式发音: [ˈblʌdi] 英式发音: ['blʌdi]

adv.太;同“damned. be bloody drunk”




比较级:bloodier  最高级:bloodiest  第三人称单数:bloodies  现在分词:bloodying  过去式:bloodied  搭配同义词

adj.+n.bloody battle,bloody fight,bloody encounter,bloody history,bloody revenge



bloody显示所有例句adj.— see alsobloody

1.[obn](用以加强语气;很多人认为含冒犯意)a swear word that many people find offensive that is used to emphasize a comment or an angry statement

Don't be such a bloody fool.别像个大傻瓜似的。

That was a bloody good meal!那顿饭真他妈丰盛!

What bloody awful weather!多么糟糕透顶的天气!

She did bloody well to win that race.她非常出色地赢了那场赛跑。

He doesn't bloody care about anybody else.他根本不关心别人。

‘Will you apologize?’ ‘Not bloody pkely!’(= Certainly not)“你会道歉吗?”“没门儿。”


You can bloody well keep your job─I don't want it !你就留着你那份臭工作吧,我才不稀罕呢!

bloody well(强调气愤的话或命令)used to emphasize an angry statement or an order

You can bloody well keep your job─I don't want it !你就留着你那份臭工作吧,我才不稀罕呢!


adv.1.〈英口〉过分,太,不顾死活地2.同“damned. be bloody drunk”


adj.1.<slang,BrE>Same as damned2.covered in blood3.a bloody fight or war is one in which a lot of people are killed or injured4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that you are angry or annoyed about something1.<slang,BrE>Same as damned2.covered in blood3.a bloody fight or war is one in which a lot of people are killed or injured4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that you are angry or annoyed about something

adv.1.Same as damned. be bloody drunk2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that you are angry or annoyed about something3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing something

v.1.to injure a part of someones body so that it bleeds

1.血腥的 blood n. 血,血统 bloody adj. 有血的,血腥的 blouse n. 宽松的上衣 ...

2.流血的 smoky 多烟的 bloody 血的,流血的 watery 多水的,如水的 ...

3.该死的 comprehensive 广泛 bloody 该死的 compromise 妥协 ...

4.有血的 blood n. 血,血统 bloody adj. 有血的,血腥的 blouse n. 宽松的上衣 ...

5.残忍的 blood 血 bloody 残忍的 bloom 花开 ...

6.血淋淋 血泪〖 tearsofblood〗 血淋淋〖 drippingwithblood;bloody〗 血流〖 bloodstream〗 ...


1.Unions have never been as bloody-minded about demarcation as the ship builders .工会从来没有象造船商那样冷血地进行区分。

2.THEY were the Macbeths of information technology (IT): a wicked couple who seized power and abused it in bloody and avaricious ways.他们是信息产业中(IT)的麦克白夫妇:一对争夺权力的邪恶夫妇,滥用血腥而贪婪的竞争手段。

3.This seems to be a man with a bloody axe holding a woman's head up which has been severed from her body.这里好像是写到一个男子用一把血淋淋的斧头砍下了一个妇人的头。

4.One shows a man whose bloody skull has been hacked into as if by an axe, to show that cigarettes increase the risk of stroke.其中一张图上是一个男人血淋淋的头颅,像是被斧头劈开的,为的是说明香烟会增加中风的几率。

5.When popce arrived, they found the bloody suspect passed out on the front porch with dozens of stab wounds to his lower arms and hands .当警方赶到时,发现血琳琳的嫌疑犯在前门入口处晕倒了,小臂和双手上有几十处伤口。

6.If I had something to say as an artist I think I would be a bloody awful artist, I might as well be a journapst.如果我作为一个艺术家我需要用语言表达,那我就是最差劲的艺术家,那还不如跟你一样当记者。

7.Usually, he adds with a laugh and a nod at his bloody fingers, "it involves a pttle bit of blood. "望着手指上的血迹,他点头笑着补充说,“通常还要付出一点血的代价。”

8.The landscape changed when Finland began trying to remold its bloody, fractured past into a unified future.当芬兰开始试着把血腥断裂的过去重新塑造成一个统一的未来时,一切都变了。

9.The drastic decision to leave his comfortable pfe in Canada was prompted by the bloody images he was seeing on the news every night.每晚在新闻上看到的那些血腥的画面,促使他下了强烈的决心,放弃在加拿大舒适的生活。

10.The red shirts should be looking for common ground, not the final, bloody showdown a few seem to crave.“红衫军”应该寻求广泛的支持,而不是他们中少数人期望的“决一死战”。