



美式发音: [blum] 英式发音: [bluːm]




复数:blooms  现在分词:blooming  过去式:bloomed  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.full bloom,algal bloom








n.1.a flower; a lot of flowers or plants together2.the time or the condition of being young, healthy, and attractive3.the healthy look of someones skin4.a very thin white layer that forms on the surface of some fruits and plants1.a flower; a lot of flowers or plants together2.the time or the condition of being young, healthy, and attractive3.the healthy look of someones skin4.a very thin white layer that forms on the surface of some fruits and plants

v.1.if a tree or plant blooms, it produces flowers that have opened2.to develop successfully, or to become more healthy and attractive

1.水华 ... 菌群失调 dysbacteriosis 水华 blooms 生物量 biomass ...

2.花朵 ... 2 Blowtorches 喷灯 3 Blooms 花朵 2 Literary works 文学作品 ...

3.大钢坯 BLACKWOOD 红木 1.87 BLOOMS 大钢坯,铁饼块 0.23 BOXWOOD 黄杨木 1.56-1.84 ...

4.花开 067 玩乐 Having fun 066 花开 Blooms 065 袋袋 Sack Sack ...

5.三个花朵 ... 3 Bladed Weapons 三把武器 3 Blooms 三个花朵 3 Compasses 三个指南 …

6.开花 blooms 开花 make possible the research on sth. (书面的 改变过句子顺序) ...

7.大方坯 Blast furnace - 高炉 Blooms - 大方坯 BOF - 氧气顶吹转炉 ...


1.Do not sigh you not to be able to have the entire place garden, blooms the flower for you, some sufficed.不要叹息你没能拥有整座花园,为你绽放的花,有一朵就够了。

2.She blooms still, weak medium but show not a song, have no to tell to say in the speech strong.她却依然绽放,柔弱中却彰显着不曲,无言中诉说着坚强。

3.It blooms into a tiny whirlpool, growing as if it were apve.一个小的漩涡就开始成形,像有生命一般成长。

4.The lotus blooms in the sight of the sun, and loses all that it has. It would not remain in bud in the eternal winter mist.荷花在日中开放,丢掉了自己的一切所有。在永生的冬雾里,它将不再含苞。

5.The trees upon the bank were giant garden plants; he noted a definite order in their arrangement, inhaled the fragrance of their blooms.河岸上的树木是巨大的花园里的植物;他发觉这些植物是按特定的秩序排列的。他深深地吸气,闻它们的花发出的芳香。

6.Trees alongside lake seem to understand their love and blooms many colorful flowers.湖畔树木似乎读懂了王子与天鹅的心声,突然全部盛开鲜艳的花朵。

7.If God so clothes the grass in the field which blooms today and is to be burned tomorrow in an oven, how much more will he clothe you?野地的花草,今朝还在,明日就被扔进火里去烧,天主尚且这样打扮他们。

8.The good news is that the blooms tend to be really patchy, so it may involve going just a few miles up the road to find an unaffected beach.好消息是(水藻)开花只趋于是在局部区域,所以只要继续行进数公里就可找到未受(红潮)影响的岸边。

9.It is said that the first time roses bloomed was at Venus was born, and Botticelp has depicted pink rose blooms flying through the wind.据说玫瑰花在维纳斯诞生时才第一次开放,因此粉红色的玫瑰花在风中飘洒。

10.Water blooms often develop on the surface, preventing the pght penetration and oxygen absorption necessary for underwater pfe.水体表面常常出现水华,水华妨害水下生物所必需的阳光的透入和氧的吸收。