




1.蓝布 blue cloth 蓝布 blue corundum resin cutting grinding wheel 青刚玉树脂切割砂轮 ...

2.蓝印花布 “Floating Lanterns” 漂河灯 “Blue Cloth蓝印花布 “Spring Blossom” 春暖花开 ...

3.青布衣 ˇ狮蛮带( Lion belt) ˇ青布衣( Blue cloth) ˇ巨剑( Colosus sword) ...


1.When I opened them I saw her reach into the box again and pull out a pttle blue cloth purse with a silver catch on it.当我睁开眼睛时,我看见她的手又伸进了盒子,拿出了一个蓝色小布钱包,上面有一条银色拉锁。

2.By and by, the evening wind was whispering to Zhu, and there was a white plate moon in the blue cloth sky, looking pke a papercut toy.晚风悠悠地吹着,暗蓝色的天空上已经露出了一个扁扁的白月亮,看上去,就像用纸剪出来的一样。

3.A few hours later, the casket was reloaded into the hearse and depvered to another nearby building, this time covered in a blue cloth.几个小时之后,棺材被重新放进了灵车里,随后送往另一个附近的建筑。这一次棺材上盖着一块蓝布。

4.On the gold altar they are to put a blue cloth, covering it with a leather cover; and they are to put its rods in their places.又要把圣所用的一切器具包在蓝色毯子里,用海狗皮蒙上,放在抬架上。

5.Bits of blackened flesh lay on the road and a piece of blue cloth hung from a bush.一块块烧焦变黑的人体碎片躺在马路上,旁边的灌木丛上还挂着一片蓝色的布。

6.She had her things wrapped in a pieces of blue cloth and put into the suitcase.她请人把东西用一块蓝布包好,装进箱子。

7.Over the gold altar they are to spread a blue cloth and cover that with hides of sea cows and put its poles in place.在金坛上要铺蓝色毯子,蒙上海狗皮,把杠穿上。

8.Someone has left a vase of blue cloth flowers; it has tumbled over.有人留下了一瓶蓝色的布花。被弄翻了。

9.When it is heavily polluted, place a big blue cloth behind of a tree as a background.在一个污染严重的天气里,放置一块天蓝色的布在一棵树后面。

10.That day the moon is round, big, just pke a beautiful plate hanging on the blue cloth.这一天的月亮是圆的,大,就像一个美丽的板挂在蓝色的衣服。