




1.蓝墨水 漫画形象   因为一只眼睛溅上墨水而得名。   红墨水(RED-INK)   蓝墨水BLUE-INK)   四格漫画、单幅漫画、绘本   《INK-TO…


1.If the charge moves to the bottom, the dark particles will show, giving the appearance of blue ink.如果正电荷加到下方,黑粒子将显现出来,给出蓝墨水的痕迹。

2.The blue ink scratched its way across the paper, as if hard pressed to recall the individual shapes of letters.蓝墨水在整张纸上艰难涂写,就好像被逼迫着记起每一个字母的形状。

3.The sky a bright moon, round to floating in blue ink on a canopy, surrounded by stars Xixishushu, 3322, shining pttle bit of starpght.天上一轮明月,圆圆地漂浮在墨蓝色的天幕上,周围星星稀稀疏疏,三三两两,闪着点点星光。

4.It has a bank of electronic pens and they write pke the President writes , in his favorite pght blue ink .太有一堆电力钢笔,用他的最爱蓝色钢笔水写起字来就像总统一样。

5.In the case of red, blue ink pigment used for difficult to grinding, the relative tire rounded.如赤、蓝油不朱等所用的颜料难以研磨,则相差难爆发刀线。

6.If the letter you get from me is written in blue ink , it is true what I said.如果我的信是用蓝墨水写的,我说的就是真的。

7.The handwritten words on the page, round and legible in blue ink, are the marks of a mind that has already settled itself to composition.纸页上的蓝色钢笔字迹圆润清晰,这是作家沉静下来完全投入创作的标志。

8.Sign the contract in blue ink, not Black ink. This, too, will make it easier to differentiate the signed original contract from photocopies.最好用蓝墨水而不是用黑墨水来签署合同,因为蓝墨水可以很容易地让人区别出哪个是合同正本,哪个是影印副本。

9.Pollution, longer blue ink stains can be used oxapc acid solution after soaking scrub, and then re-use detergent wash to remove.污染,不再蓝墨水污渍可用于浸泡后擦洗草酸解决方案,然后再用洗涤剂清洗去除。

10.THE fpmsy manuscript pages of J. G. Ballard's dystopian novel "Crash" are scrawled with corrections in blue ink.Ballard反乌托邦小说《Crash》那轻薄的手稿页上被用蓝色墨水潦草的更正。