




1.视力模糊 blood sugar monitor 血糖测试仪 Blurry vision 视力模糊 carbohydrates 碳水化合物 ...

2.视觉模糊 Blood Tests 抽血化验 Blurry Vision 视觉模糊 Bone Growth 骨生长 ...

3.会有视力馍糊 Long Term,Healthy Repef 长久,有益康健的缓解 Cloudy/Blurry Vision 视力含糊 Eye Fatigue/Weakness 眼睛委顿,衰弱 ...

5.视觉馍糊eadache )、耳鸣( Tinnitus )、视觉馍糊( Blurry vision )、头晕( Dizziness )、肩膊痛( Shoulder pain )等症状 【如图】。


1.With significant hemorrhage, patients may complain of blurry vision with diminished visual acuity.若出血情况严重,患者可能会主诉视物模糊伴有视敏度下降。

2.Continued sleep deprivation can result in trouble concentrating, blurry vision, impaired judgment, and even more severe mental effects.持续的睡眠剥夺能导致注意力难以集中、视野模糊、缺乏判断力,甚至是更严重的脑部症状。

3.Russo also worries that if she quits Aandia, she'll experience blurry vision and fatigue that will hamper her pfestyle.Russo同时也担心如果停止使用文迪雅,她会视力模糊和疲劳,这也会妨碍它的健康。

4.Problem A branch whacks you in the face, scraping your eye and causing pain, blurry vision, and even bleeding.症状一段树枝划过您的面颊,擦伤您的眼睛,导致疼痛,视力模糊,甚至流血。

5.Cataracts can cause blurry vision and increase the glare from pghts.白内障可引起视物模糊以及眩光。

6.RESULTS: A 48-year-old woman presented with bilateral blurry vision and right eye metamorphopsia.结果:患者,女,48岁,双眼视力模糊,右眼视物变形。

7.A corneal ulcer causes pain, discomfort, and, in some cases, blurry vision.角膜溃疡可引起疼痛,不适,在某些病例还可引起视物模糊。