



美式发音: [blʌʃ] 英式发音: [blʌʃ]

v.脸红;忸怩 (at, for);呈现红色;把…弄红



第三人称单数:blushes  现在分词:blushing  过去式:blushed  同义词反义词


v.go red,flush,redden,colour,color



v.1.脸红,惭愧2.害臊,怕羞,忸怩 (at, for)3.呈现红色4.把...弄红5.因脸红而表露出(真实情感等)1.脸红,惭愧2.害臊,怕羞,忸怩 (at, for)3.呈现红色4.把...弄红5.因脸红而表露出(真实情感等)


v.1.if you blush, your cheeks become red because you feel embarrassed or ashamed2.to feel embarrassed or ashamed

n.1.a red color in your cheeks that appears when you feel embarrassed or ashamed2.a red powder or cream that women put on their cheeks

1.脸红 ... blush 脸红 blushed 脸红 blushes 脸红 ...

2.呈现红色 ... 呈现 take on 呈现红色 blushed 表面呈现的凹凸 catface ...

3.红晕的脸庞rm cheek),害羞的模样(shyness),红晕的脸庞(blushed),半干的眼泪(half-dried tears)等等,让读者对苔丝的外在模样有直 …


1.She blushed when she thought of him. She blushed at the spghtest thought of him.她只要一想到他,脸就发红。

2.Staggering moment! Mary blushed until the tears stood in her eyes.一个多么令人惊愕的时刻!玛丽满脸通红,眼睛里含着泪水。

3.Suchen looked at the spce of lemon floating among the ice cubes in her glass and blushed, as though the man were her companion.苏晨看着自己杯中浮在冰块上的一片柠檬脸红了,好像这个男人是她的同伙一样。

4.As she took them, she looked straight at me. I lowered my eyes and blushed.在拿蜜饯的时候,她对我望了望,我垂下眼睛,脸涨得绯红。

5.As the girl smiled and blushed at herself, she seemed to be dreaming, dreaming perhaps of men's hearts won and lost.当姑娘看到镜子里的自己笑着羞红了脸时,她似乎在做梦,也许幻想着赢得的和失去的男人心。

6.Girl number twenty blushed very red. She stood up and curtseyed to Mr Gradgrind. She was a pretty girl, with dark eyes and dark hair.第二十号女孩涨红了脸。她站起来向格雷因先生行了个屈膝礼。她是个美貌的女孩,长着一对黑眼珠和一头黑发。

7.Shielding her eyes from the sun with one hand, she squinted and smiled at me, and I blushed to the breast-bone.她用一只手遮挡眼前的阳光,笑着瞥了我一眼,我脸红到了胸口。

8.The three young Princesses blushed; and the young man did not know what to say. So he very wisely said nothing at all.三位年轻的公主都羞红了脸,老三不知说什么好。于是就很明智地什么也不说。

9.and blushed to think how much truer a knowledge of his character had been there shewn than any she had reached herself.对于埃尔顿先生的品格,有人看得比她准确得多,她想到这里脸就红了。

10.She blushed when she saw that we were all looking at her and hid her face behind her hands.她“唰”的脸红了。她看见我们都在看她,赶紧双手捂脸。