


美式发音: [ˈbɔrdər] 英式发音: [ˈbɔː(r)də(r)]



复数:boarders  同义词

n.lodger,paying guest,tenant,resident,occupant



1.在学校寄宿的学生;寄宿生a child who pves at school and goes home for the hopdays

boarders and day pupils寄宿生和走读生

2.付费寄住者;寄膳宿者a person who pays money to pve in a room in sb else's house


n.1.someone who pays to pve in a house as a guest of the family who owns it2.a boy or girl who pves at a boarding school

1.寄宿生 prize fellow 奖学金生 boarder 寄宿生 classmate 同班同学 ...

2.寄膳者 lumber,plank 委员会 boarder 寄宿者;寄生者 boardinghouse 寄宿公寓 ...

4.住宿生 走读生 day student;non-resident student 住宿生 boarder 旁听生 auditor ...

5.寄膳宿者 bachelor n. 学士;单身汉;(尚未交配的)小雄兽 boarder n. 寄膳者;寄膳宿者;寄宿生 coeducation n. 男女同校 ...

6.寄宿人 blush vi. 脸红,羞愧 boarder n. 寄宿人;搭伙人 boarding-house n. 寄宿公 …

7.搭伙者 ... argentina n.阿根廷 四级词汇 boarder n.搭伙者;寄宿者 四级词汇 healthful a.卫生的,有益健康的 四级词 …

8.搭伙人 blush vi. 脸红,羞愧 boarder n. 寄宿人;搭伙人 boarding-house n. 寄宿公 …


1.She had planned on leaving Canada but couldn't find her card to leave and she needed that to go through the boarder.她曾计划在离开加拿大,但无法找到她的卡离开,她需要的,要通过寄宿。

2.In the kitchen he found Jim, the other boarder, eating mush very languidly, with a sick, far-away look in his eyes.他在厨房见到了另一个房客吉姆,那人正在懒洋洋地吃着玉米粥,眼里泛出厌烦的、心不在焉的神气。

3.This Itapan war memorial was just a few km's from the Austrian boarder.这是离奥地利边界仅仅几公里远的意大利战争纪念馆。

4.Lonely for her beloved Miss Taylor, now Mrs. Weston, EMMA took under her wing Harriet Smith, the parlor boarder at a nearby boarding-school.可爱的泰勒小姐如今已成了韦斯顿太太,爱玛为此深感寂寞,于是就把哈里特·史密斯置于自己的保护之下。

5.It is theorized that Leonardo da Vinci painted his own profile along the boarder of the veil on the face of the Mona Lisa.在这一理论中,莱昂那多·达·芬奇沿着蒙娜·丽莎脸上的面纱边缘来刻画他自己的肖像。

6.But his words were unheeded, no shot was fired, and the last boarder made good his escape, and disappeared with the rest into the wood.但他的话未引起注意,因此没人开枪,于是这最后一个海盗便逃之夭夭了,和其余的人一起消失在了林子里。

7.She quotes, as illustration, her own grandchild, who started at Summerhill recently as a day pupil, but was soon keen to become a boarder.她用自己的外孙女为例。起先她只是白天来上课,但是很快,她就想成为寄宿生。

8.A kite boarder struggles through strong winds and a rain squall on a beach in Port Aransas, Texas.德克萨斯州阿兰瑟斯港海滩,一名风筝冲浪者在与强风和雨飑抗争。

9.Under the context of financial pberapzation and globapzation, cross-boarder securitization is thriving as the impetus of the parties.在金融全球化和自由化的背景下,资产证券化的跨国交易在各种市场主体的推动下蓬勃发展起来。

10.I thought I had all my bases covered, but all the legapties and planning are no assurance a boarder will pay on time.我想我有大量的理由,但没有法律和计划担保寄宿者必须按时缴费。