





2.乐儿宝 好奇 Huggies 乐儿宝 bobo 璞卡 PURCA ...

3.布波族 COCO( 可可) BOBO( 宝宝) LUCKY( 幸运) ...

6.徐博杰徐博杰BOBO )男,上海人,职业歌手,曾经参加国湖南卫视的“快乐男声”选秀。2006年,徐博杰与李智楠等四人合出一盘 …


1.For some time, I did not come to the small Bobo, and I look forward to a new article, some friends were losing their patience bar.有段时间没有来我的小博博了,期待我出新文章的朋友们一定等得不耐烦了吧。

2.Bobo, Sheva and Pippo played really well, they gave their all, Inzaghi showed he was really up for it when he came on.波波,舍瓦和皮波踢得真的很好,他们已经竭尽了他们的全力,因扎吉展现出了当他回到球场的时候他积极向上的一面。

3."The crisis emphasises that China is a pivotal world player, " says Bobo Lo of the Centre for European Reform in London.“这场危机突显中国是一个关键的世界大国,”伦敦欧洲改革中心(CentreforEuropeanReform)的波布·罗(BoboLo)表示。

4.Cut, thought it was the coriander Bobo , you let me on that I must. . . . . . consideration?‘切,以为自己是香菜饽饽,你就是让我上……我还得考虑考虑呢!’

5.I repeat: we all think Adriano and Vieri can play together, and that both of them are capable of deciding a match in a second.我再次的重申,AD和BOBO是可以一起在场上的,他们中的任何一个都有能力主宰比赛!

6.Bobo: I heard of that song before, it has beautiful melody and wonderful lyrics.我以前听说过这个歌曲,它旋律动听,歌词也很棒。

7.Bobo: You make riding a bike sound very attractive, but I am too lazy, you know.你把骑自行车说得那么吸引人,可我太懒了。

8.Fig3. Bobo: It's too painful to be hugged by the enemy.图三:波波:被敌人抱的滋味真是很痛苦啊。

9.Called drowned in the portfopo today is no longer winning the ratings of the Xiang Bobo .俊男靓女的组合现今已经不再是夺得收视率的香饽饽了。

10.Bobo Yuan Bobo is a fairly cute teacher, who, to her students, is more pke a sister than a teacher. The kids love her!Bobo是一位非常可爱的老师,学生把她当成姐姐多过老师,因为她把每个班级当成每个家庭。