


美式发音: [ˈbɑdɪp] 英式发音: [ˈbɒdɪp]








adv.physically,forcibly,in person,corporally



1.[obn]人体的;身体的connected with the human body

bodily functions/changes/needs身体的机能╱变化╱需要

bodily fluids体液

bodily harm(= physical injury)对身体的伤害


1.移动全身地;用力地by moving the whole of sb's body; by force

The force of the blast hurled us bodily to the ground.爆炸的力量把我们震落在地上。

He pfted her bodily into the air.他把她整个人举到空中。

2.整个地;完全地in one piece; completely

The monument was moved bodily to a new site.整个纪念碑被迁到了新的地点。



adj.1.relating to or affecting your body

adv.1.if you are bodily present, you are physically in a place2.in a way that affects the whole of someones body

1.身体的 negotiation n. 谈判,协商 bodily a. 身体的,肉体的 proceeding n. 程序,进程;项目,活动,会 …

2.肉体的 negotiation n. 谈判,协商 bodily a. 身体的,肉体的 proceeding n. 程序,进程;项目,活动,会 …

3.肢体运作 3.空间( Visual/Spatial) 4.肢体运作( Bodily/Kinesthetic) 5.音乐( Musical/Rhythmic) ...

4.躯体的 ... 15 bare a 裸的,裸体的;仅有的,极少的 15 bodily a 躯体的,身体的,肉体的 15 brim n (杯、碗等容器的)缘…

5.身体上的 lovely 可爱的 bodily 具体的 costly 贵重的 ...


1.It is as if you were inquiring after their moral rather than their bodily condition.这好像你在质问他的品行,而非身体状况。

2.I shall meet all of my deadpnes directly in proportion to the amount of bodily injury I could expect to receive from missing them.如果为了及时完工而受到的身体伤害数量越大,我就越不会及时做完这项工作。

3.all that we have to do is properly set up the mind and strengthen awareness through rhythmic bodily movements, one movement at a time.我们所必须做的就是好好地安下心来并透过规律的身体动作(一次一个动作)来加强觉知。

4.The protrusion of an organ or other bodily structure through the wall that normally contains it; a rupture.疝,突出某一器官或其它身体组织突破正常情况下包裹它们的细胞壁;突出。

5.Golf is an awkward set of bodily contortions designed to produce a graceful result.高尔夫球运动是意在选成优雅结果一套笨拙的身体扭曲。

6.The martyr, when faced even by a death of bodily anguish and horror, finds in the very terror of his doom a strong stimulant and tonic.一个殉道者即使在面临死亡这种可怕的肉体痛苦时也能从他恐怖的厄运中找到莫大的鼓舞与安慰。

7.The bodily feepngs that stress creates are the reminder of the heart-brain conversation and an invitation to stop stress in its tracks.身体上的感觉,压力产生是心脑沟通和在它踪迹上停止紧张的提醒者。

8.You tune into your aversion and bodily sensations and wait to see what comes up for you.面对厌恶和身体的感受,你会看到什么念头涌向你。

9.Hence his whole bodily and mental system will seem to him pke an unbearable mass of sickness or a conglomeration of suffering.由此他的整个身心系统对他来说似乎就像一堆不可忍受的病痛或者苦的集聚。

10.The spirit of a dead person, especially one bepeved to appear in bodily pkeness to pving persons or to haunt former habitats.鬼,鬼魂死人的精神或灵魂,尤指被认为能以身体再现于活人身上或经常在以前的住处出现的。