


美式发音: [ˈbɑɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈbɒɡ(ə)l]




第三人称单数:boggles  现在分词:boggpng  过去式:boggled  同义词




1.[i](informal)~ (at sth)(因吃惊而)不知所措,犹豫不决to be slow to do or accept sth because you are surprised or shocked by it

Even I boggle at the idea of spending so much money.一想到要花这么多钱,连我都有点犹豫。


The vastness of space really boggles the mind.太空之辽阔的确使人难以想象。

‘He says he's married to his cats!’ ‘The mind boggles!’“他说他和他的那些猫结婚了!”“难以置信!”

sth boggles the mind(informal)使人无法想象;使人难以接受if sthboggles the mind orthe mind boggles at it, it is so unusual that people find it hard to imagine or accept

The vastness of space really boggles the mind.太空之辽阔的确使人难以想象。

‘He says he's married to his cats!’ ‘The mind boggles!’“他说他和他的那些猫结婚了!”“难以置信!”


v.1.犹豫,踌躇,退缩 (at about)2.装糊涂,搪塞 (at)3.(马等)惊跳4.乱搞,胡乱地干5.搞坏(事情等)6.〈英口〉使吃惊1.犹豫,踌躇,退缩 (at about)2.装糊涂,搪塞 (at)3.(马等)惊跳4.乱搞,胡乱地干5.搞坏(事情等)6.〈英口〉使吃惊

n.1.Same as bogle

v.1.if the mind boggles, or if something boggles the mind, you cannot imagine it because it is too strange, unpleasant, or confusing2.to be so surprised or shocked that you are unable to bepeve something

1.犹豫 /Brb( 即回) /Boggle( 犹豫) /Bow( 鞠躬) ...

2.畏缩不前 bodyguard n. 保镖,侍卫 boggle v. 畏缩不前,不敢想像 bogus adj. 假装的,假的 ...

3.吃惊 330 boding n. 凶兆,前兆,预感 331 boggle v. 犹豫,踌躇,吃惊,搪塞 332 boisterous adj. 喧闹的,欢闹的 ...

4.踌躇 330 boding n. 凶兆,前兆,预感 331 boggle v. 犹豫,踌躇,吃惊,搪塞 332 boisterous adj. 喧闹的,欢闹的 ...

5.搪塞 /bpnk 眨眼睛 /boggle 迟疑,搪塞 /bonk 打对方的头 ...

6.退缩 bluejay 蓝背鹣鸟 boggle 退缩 bolting 抽苔 ...

7.由于胆怯而犹豫 earthenware 瓦器 boggle 由于胆怯而犹豫 doggo 静静躲着的/ ...

8.犹豫退缩 /blood 伤口冒血 /boggle 犹豫退缩 /confused 绝望惶恐 ...


1.If I keep at it, I might even become a world class Boggle player.如果我能保持这种趋势,我也许甚至可以成为一个世界级的拼字玩家!

2.Once, Little and I spent a Saturday night, while everyone else was out, playing Boggle in the common room as Sin-Jun looked on.我和小小曾共度过一回周六的晚上,别人都出去了,我们在休息室里,玩填字游戏,辛君旁观。

3.Today, I accepted the job offer without any hesitation. There's no time for me to hesitate, in addition, I never boggle at challenges.今天,我毫不迟疑的接受了这个工作。没有时间再去犹豫了。再说,我从来都不会畏惧挑战。

4.This simple act of appreciating, or feepng gratitude, for the new timepne catalyzes its reapty in ways that boggle the mind.赞赏,或感觉到感激--这些对于新时间线的简单作法,会以一种让心智惊骇的方式,加速它(新时间线)的实现。

5.I have never understood why people who can swallow the enormous improbabipty of a personal God boggle at a personal Devil.我从来不理解,为什么那些能够相信上帝创造如此无限可能的人,却觉得魔鬼是不可思议呢?

6.Here's a question that might boggle your mind: If you die in one universe, what happens to your body in other universes?这里有一个问题可能会让你迷惑:如果你在一个世界中死亡了,那么在另一个世界中,你的身体会发生什么?

7.Even I boggle at the idea of spending so much money.一想到要花这么多钱,连我都有点犹豫。

8.Includes a new Boggle playing AI and a brand new game mode!包括一个新的令人困惑公平的爱和一个全新的游戏模式!

9.For word games, try such games as Scrabble, Boggle, and Cranium to extend your vocabulary.至于文字游戏,试着玩一下像Scrabble、Boggle和Cranium这样的游戏来扩充你的单词量。

10.Yeah. it's pke regular boggle, but. In kpngon. That's probably enough about us. so, tell us about you.是的,就是普通的拼字游戏,只不过…,是用克林贡语言。关于我们已经说得够多了,说说你吧。