


美式发音: [ˈbɔɡi] 英式发音: [ˈbɒɡi]



比较级:boggier  最高级:boggiest  同义词反义词





1.松软潮湿的;沼泽般的soft and wet, pke a bog

boggy ground松软潮湿的地面


adj.1.boggy ground is always very wet and soft

1.沼泽多的 ... 1. boggy 沼泽多的 2. bogy 妖怪,可怕的人(物) ...

2.多沼泽的 bogginess 泥沼状态 boggy 多沼泽的 boghead cannel 藻烛煤 ...

3.沼泽样类有长期尿路刺激症状,而且肛门指诊检查时前列腺呈“沼泽样(boggy)”,前列腺液细菌学检查通常为阴性的情况诊为慢性前列 …

4.水湿的 "沼泽化"," Bogginess" "水湿的"," Boggy" "转向车"," Bogie-car" ...

5.似沼泽的 boggle 犹豫 boggy 似沼泽的 bogie 妖怪 ...

6.指裤管 soft collar: 软领 boggy: 宽松间大,指裤管 material: 衣料 ...

7.宽松间大 soft collar: 软领 boggy宽松间大,指裤管 material: 衣料 ...


1.Wen Xiang wasn't awake yet. He was really too tired. He felt pke a stretch of boggy ground lying feebly between stones.文祥还没有醒,他实在太累了,像一滩烂泥,软软地躺在石隙剜空处。

2.By blocking that enzyme system in the lungs, the virus allows pquid to leak into the air sacs, making them boggy and inefficient.通过抑制肺中该酶系,病毒使体液渗漏进气囊,使之机能衰竭而无效。

3.His plane got stuck in the boggy jungle on top of the mountain and he noticed a pretty impressive waterfall plunging thousands of feet down.他的飞机就死在沼泽丛林山顶,他注意到一个相当令人印象深刻的瀑布使数千英尺下降。

4.orchid of boggy or wet lands of north central United States having racemes of very fragrant creamy or greenish white flowers.产自美国中部至北部的沼泽或潮湿土壤上的兰花,总状花序,花极香、淡白色或淡绿色。

5.Summer travel in the boggy lands, or muskeg country, of the Subarctic's taiga was also slow and arduous.夏天,在亚极地针叶林地带的沼泽遍布的原野或乡村,出行亦将变得缓慢而艰难。

6.The team also compared charcoal deposits in boggy meadows within the groves to the tree-ring fire history.研究小组也将年轮记录的火灾历史与沼泽草甸中沉积的木炭进行了比较。

7.small but widely distributed genus of orchids closely related to genus Cleistes; : of damp or boggy areas of north temperate zone.一个广泛分布的兰花属;产于北温带潮湿或多沼泽地区。

8.Everything built on raised foundations, above the level of the boggy land around.所有的一切都建筑在突出的地基上,海拔高过四周的沼泽地。

9.The area may be preceded by tissue that is painful, firm, mushy, boggy, warmer or cooler as compared to adjacent tissue.与周围的组织相比,这些区域的软组织之前可能有疼痛、坚硬、成糊状、潮湿、发热或冰冷。

10.Wet, boggy places in mountains; 3600-4500 m. Yunnan [NE India (Sikkim), Myanmar].在山的潮湿,沼泽多的地方;3600-4500米。云南[缅甸,印度东北部(锡金)]。