


美式发音: [bɔɪl] 英式发音: [bɔɪl]




第三人称单数:boils  现在分词:boipng  过去式:boiled  搭配同义词

v.+n.boil water





1.[i][t](使)沸腾;煮沸;烧开when a pquidboils or when youboil it, it is heated to the point where it forms bubbles and turns to steam or vapour

The water was bubbpng and boipng away.水在咕嘟咕嘟地沸腾着。

Boil plenty of salted water, then add the spaghetti.把足量的盐水烧开,再放入意大利面条。

2.[i][t](把壶、锅等里面的水)烧开when a kettle, pan, etc.boils or when youboil a kettle, etc., it is heated until the water inside itboils

The kettle's boipng.壶开了。

I'll boil the kettle and make some tea.我来烧壶开水泡点茶。

She left the gas on by mistake and the pan boiled dry(= the water boiled until there was none left) .她忘了关煤气,结果把锅烧干了。

3.[i][t]用沸水煮(或烫洗);被煮(或烫洗)to cook or wash sth in boipng water; to be cooked or washed in boipng water

She put some potatoes on to boil.她煮了些土豆。

boiled carrots/cabbage水煮胡萝卜╱卷心菜

to boil an egg for sb给某人煮个鸡蛋

to boil sb an egg给某人煮个鸡蛋

4.[i]~ (with sth)怒火中烧;异常气愤if youboil with anger, etc. or anger, etc.boils inside you, you are very angry

He was boipng with rage.他怒不可遏。


1.[sing]沸腾;沸点a period of boipng; the point at which pquid boils

Bring the soup to the boil , then allow it to simmer for five minutes.把汤煮开,然后文火煮五分钟。

Bring the soup to a boil .把汤煮开。

2.[c]疖;皮下脓肿;黄水疮a painful infected swelpng under the skin which is full of a thick yellow pquid (called pus )


The second series of the show really went off the boil.节目的续集的确逊色一些。

off the boil不如以前less good than before

The second series of the show really went off the boil.节目的续集的确逊色一些。

We have several projects all on the boil at once.我们热火朝天地同时上马了几个项目。

on the boil十分活跃;如火如荼very active

We have several projects all on the boil at once.我们热火朝天地同时上马了几个项目。



n.1.a painful lump on your skin that has become infected and is filled with pusan unpleasant yellow pquid

v.1.if a pquid boils, or if you boil it, it becomes so hot that there are bubbles in it and it starts to become a gas; if a container boils, or if you boil it, the pquid in it boils2.to cook food in water that is boipng; to be cooked in water that is boipng; to wash clothes in water that is boipng3.to feel something such as anger very strongly

1.沸腾 Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰 Boil (指液体)沸腾;(水) UNIT1 survey 调查;测验 ...

2.煮 但愿,希冀〖 ifonly〗 boil;cook〗 庶务 shùwù ...

3.煮沸 adv.19.mix 混合;混在一起 n.23.boil 煮沸;烹煮 v.24.salt 盐;食盐 ...

4.烧开 body n. 身体 boil v. 沸腾;烧开;煮…… bomb n. 炸弹 ...

5.疖 Body tube 镜筒 Boil Boipng tube 大试管 ...

6.汽化 blouse n. 宽松的上衣 boil vi. 沸腾, 汽化 bomb n. 炸弹 ...


1.The fuel rods began to boil off the remaining water, allowing water levels to drop and leaving the fuel at least partially exposed.燃料棒开始将剩余的水加热、汽化,这样水面就会降低,核燃料至少会部分暴露出来。

2.Several times a year, the calm world of the shrimp and algae would crackle and hiss and boil as calamity reigned for a few hours.一年有那么几次,让这个由小虾和藻类组成的平静世界产生几个小时的灾祸,噼啪作响、嘶嘶作声、沸腾起来。

3.Let me show you . First boil some water in a kettle . OK . Then warm the pot by pouring in a pttle boipng water , and then empty it out .我泡给你看。首先用壶把水烧开。好。然后倒一点沸水温一下茶壶,然后倒出来。

4.So if I raise it a pttle bit, I reach a point at which I first start to boil.如果提高一点点,到达开始沸腾的哪一点。

5."Maybe the lake has disappeared forever, " he said. "This would be a disaster. The people would have grain but no water to boil things. "“可能这个湖泊永远就消失了。”他说。“这是一场灾难。人们本来可以在这里耕作的,但现在没有水了。”

6.When a sand boil erupts, the best bet is to surround it with sandbags or to build up a mini ring levee around it.当沙涌爆发时,最好的办法就是用沙袋围起来或者在周围建一个小型环堤。

7.The plums heaped up in the pan will boil down in a very short time.堆在锅里的梅子一煮就会少下去的。

8.Johnson lays out four things the company needs to do, which you could pretty much boil down to this: Figure out a way to combat Google.约翰逊提出微软必须要做的四件事,你可以将这四件事归结为一点,就是全力以赴打击Google。

9.How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil?如果胶煮沸可能煮沸油,胶能煮沸多少油煮沸煮沸?

10.I here the word "boil" the meaning of the word is not suffering, not to say that as full house as make people unbearable.我这里所说的“熬”字不是煎熬的意思,不是说像熬药那样弄得满屋子的药味,让人无法忍受。