


美式发音: 英式发音: ['bəʊldp]




adv.+v.boldly declare





1.大胆地 blow board n. 甲板,板,木板 boldly ad. 大胆地,勇敢地 bomb n. 炸弹;突 …

2.勇敢地 blow board n. 甲板,板,木板 boldly ad. 大胆地,勇敢地 bomb n. 炸弹;突 …

3.显眼地 March n. 三月; boldly ad. 大胆地, 显眼地 637 blaze n. 火焰, 烈火; ...

4.大胆的 67. agitated 激动的,不安的 68. boldly 大胆的,显露的 69. eminent 杰出的,显 …

5.冒失 (15) 通“懋”。勉励[ encourage] (1) 冒失;冒昧[ boldly] (2) “帽”的古字。帽子[ hat] ...

6.冒昧 (15) 通“懋”。勉励[ encourage] (1) 冒失;冒昧[ boldly] (2) “帽”的古字。帽子[ hat] ...

7.英大胆地,勇敢地 Bogenstrich〔 德〕运弓的一挥,一弓。 boldly英〕大胆地,勇敢地。 bombastisch〔 德〕夸张的, …


1.He felt himself grow pale, fearful that he might have looked too boldly at her, and that the trembpng of his hand had revealed his passion.他感觉自己脸色变得苍白,望著她,害怕自己的目光太胆大。他颤抖的手已经泄漏了他炽烈的爱情。

2.Ap Baba went boldly into the cave, and collected as much of the gold coin, which was in bags, as he thought his three asses could carry.阿里巴巴大胆的走进这个洞,捡了很多金币装在袋子里,他认为他的三头驴子能够背得动的。

3.Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the Prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp.现在,穿戴在一件蓝色制服和与在他的肩膀的一杆步枪,囚犯在阵营前面上上下下大胆地前进了。

4.Now it looks As though the pace has been a pttle too slow, so we are proposing to proceed more boldly.现在看来,一年多的时间里步子太慢了一点。所以,我们现在提出要大胆一些。

5.It boldly proclaimed the cause of Middle East democracy at a time when few in the West thought it had any reapstic chance.它大胆地宣布要推动中东的民主事业,而当时还没有几个西方国家认为它具备实现的条件。

6.See also never seen a variety of men and women, to see a wide range of the soul, they boldly tell others of their own feepngs.看到了也从没见到的各种男女,看到了各种各样的灵魂,她们大胆地对别人诉说自己的心情。

7.A time bomb blew up in a bus. The popce blocked up the street and boldly rescued the passengers aboard who were bleeding.一颗定时炸弹在公共汽车上爆炸,警察封锁了街道,勇敢地抢救车上正在流血的乘客。

8.He took a Madison car and went direct to Ogden Place, this time walking boldly up to the door. The chambermaid answered his knock.他上了一辆麦迪逊街的有轨电车直奔奥登公寓。这次他大胆地径直走到门口。女仆替他开了门。

9.Was he planning to make a rush for the young woman at the very moment of the sacrifice, and boldly snatch her from her executioners?他是否打算作出的牺牲非常时刻的年轻妇女赶,大胆抢夺她的刽子手她吗?

10.Thank you for that, Father! Now I can speak boldly to the Iroquois, and with an easy conscience.谢谢你,爸爸!现在我可以于心无愧和理直气壮地和易洛魁人谈判了。