




1.联系 ... progress: 进步 bond with: 联系 awkward: 尴尬的 ...

2.与……结合 ... ★★★ parasite n. 寄生虫 ★★ bond with 与……结合 ★ ultimate a. 终极的 ...


1.That special time with a parent helps the child feel special and to bond with you.这种和父母在一起的特别时间会让孩子感到特别,而且会加强你们之间的亲情纽带。

2.But I had a close bond with all three of the girls. I would be happy to see any of them do well.其实我跟三强的关系都很好,她们之中任何一个胜出我都会很开心啊。

3.In his new book Baby Barbells he sets out a series of exercises he says will build muscle as well as the bond with your baby.在新书《婴儿杠铃》中他提出了一系列他认为能和宝宝一起进行肌肉锻炼的练习。

4."She formed a special bond with the puppy and Lucy gave her a reason to pve, " her mother explained.“她和小狗之间形成了一种特殊的联结,露西给了她要活下去的动力。”那女孩的妈妈解释说。

5.There was one connection with the girl I cpcked with. I bond with her. But it didn't go anywhere.有一次我跟一个我一拍即合的女生来往,但却没什么搞头。

6.Jacen's natural empathy for pving creatures forged a strong bond with the, a sort of larval form of a World Brain.杰森对生物具有天生的移情左右,这令他与“世界脑”的一种幼年形态——德亚姆产生了强大的联系。

7.This might be a dynamic time where you develop a more significant emotional bond with a lover or someone you recently began dating.在这个充满活力的时期,和恋人,或是近期约会对象之间的关系将可能有质的飞跃,也许会形成更加重要的情感纽带。

8.He called America's bond with Israel "unbreakable" and said the tragic history that led to a Jewish homeland cannot be denied.他称美国和以色列的联盟是不可分割的,并且说犹太人无家可归的悲痛历史,是不可否认的。

9.wherein the compound of formula I further comprises at least one covalent bond with a biotin residue or an analogue thereof.其中式I化合物进一步含有至少一个连接生物素残基或其类似物的共价键。

10.What I keep in memory is the human adventure, the bond with you; my fans.在我记忆中保留的是人类的探险,与你们,我的粉丝们密切相关。