


美式发音: [ˈbɑnˌfaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈbɒnˌfaɪə(r)]



复数:bonfires  同义词




1.(在室外为焚烧垃圾或为庆祝而燃起的)大火堆,篝火a large outdoor fire for burning waste or as part of a celebration


n.1.a large fire built outside for burning waste. People also have bonfires at parties or celebrations.

1.篝火 4. 鬼灯城( Houzukijou) 5. 篝火( Bonfire) 6. 悪汉( Ruffian) ...

2.营火 discussing vt. 讨论, 论述 bonfire n. 大篝火, 营火 chairs n. 椅子, 教授职位, 主席位, 讲座 ...

3.大篝火 discussing vt. 讨论, 论述 bonfire n. 大篝火, 营火 chairs n. 椅子, 教授职位, 主席位, 讲座 ...

4.火堆 布面丙烯 Acrypc on Canvas 火堆 Bonfire 南画廊提供 Courtesy of RCM GALLERY ...

5.营火旺 ... The Fugue 朦胧美态 Bonfire 营火旺 Red Cadeaux 红色礼物 ...

6.篝火图片 图片 nordic_coast_series 3 篝火图片 Bonfire 6 摩洛哥革图片 morocco 14 ...

7.播放篝火 篝火( Bonfire) 播放篝火( Bonfire) 凤阳春( Spring In FengYang) ...


1.them a great deal of money they'd make a bonfire of his house; so he gave them all he had and all he could raise, and off they went with it.他们大量的金钱,他们会想办法让他的房子篝火,所以他给了他们,他和所有他能提高,以及她们就用它去了。

2.The next day my friends told me that they had seen him at the bonfire celebration.第二天,我的朋友告诉我,他们曾看见他在篝火庆祝。

3.Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire.分离会减少渺小的爱,却会增加伟大的爱,正如风吹灭蜡烛,却吹旺了篝火。

4.Absence extinguishes small passions and increases great ones, as the wind blows out a candle, and fans a bonfire.匮乏压抑了人的小欲望而强化了重大的欲望,就如风吹灭蜡烛而煽旺篝火一样。

5.If the bonfire is burning big and hot, it has no trouble consuming the additional wood that you put on it.如果篝火燃烧的大而热,那么消耗掉您加入的额外木头是没有问题的。

6.Round the bonfire , at the beach, the moment only you and me.在篝火旁,在海滩上。只有你我,别无他人。

7.Capping a week of fireworks and festivities in honor of Saint Joseph, a bonfire engulfs satirical sculptures in this city in eastern Spain.在这个位于西班牙东部的城市里有超过一个星期为纪念圣约瑟夫的烟火和庆祝活动,一团篝火吞噬了这些具讽刺意味的雕塑。

8.A woman throws an object into a bonfire on a beach in Malaga, southern Spain.在西班牙南部的马拉噶镇,一个女人把一个东西投入篝火中。

9.It's easy to se the glow of a bonfire in darkness.黑暗中很容易看见火把的光亮。

10.I decided to invite a few friends to my garden for a bonfire.我决定邀请一些朋友到我家花园搞一次篝火晚会。