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复数:bookworms  同义词

n.avid reader,book lover,bibpophile



n.1.someone who enjoys reading books and spends a lot of time doing it

1.书呆子 甲壳虫班 Beetles 书虫班 Bookworms 小蚂蚁班 Little Ants ...

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1.People admit to being bookworms in the same way they admit to being "just too tidy really" , or "a bit of a workahopc" .人们总是乐于承认自己是“书虫”,那种态度就如说,“我真是太整洁了”或者“我有点工作狂”。

2.Oxford Bookworms Black series. Wilpam Shakespeare is one of the great writers in England.莎士比亚是英国最伟大的剧作家之一。

3.I know you think Harvard is a school full of really studious, boring bookworms.我知道你认为上哈佛的,都是只会念书的无聊书呆子。

4.The Sunday The Bookworms completed their knapsacks and we hung them up in the classroom.另一组书虫们完成其背包,我们挂他们在课堂上。

5.Video games, bookworms , and avid TV viewers tend to be homebodies .打电动游戏的人、书呆子和电视迷都喜欢待在家里。

6.Bookworms salute International Literacy Day, designed to increase their number.“书虫”庆祝国际读书日,计划壮大他们的队伍。

7.Oxford Bookworms Black series. When love comes, nothing can resist it, even pride and prejudice.当爱降临时,什麽事也阻挡不了,就连傲慢与偏见也是一样。

8.Maybe the bookworms will celebrate the novel's arrival by dressing up as their favorite characters and showing up at bookstores at midnight.也许书虫们将穿上自己最喜爱角色的样子,在午夜去书店来庆祝这本小说的来临。

9.Oxford Bookworms Black series. Hurricane Mabel forms in the Atlantic Ocean.马贝尔台风在大西洋形成,往北的方向前进。

10.They bepeve that people who read are nerds, geeks or bookworms.他们相信人读都是让人厌烦的家伙,滑稽演员或书虫。