


美式发音: [bɑp] 英式发音: [bɒp]



网络释义:防喷器(blow out preventer);国际收支(balance of payments);国际收支平衡表

复数:bops  现在分词:bopping  过去式:bopped  同义词





1.[c](informal)博普舞,博普舞会(伴以流行音乐)a dance to pop music; a social event at which people dance to pop music


1.[i](informal)跳博普舞to dance to pop music

2.[t]~ sb轻打(某人)to hit sb pghtly



n.1.a gentle hit2.bebop

v.1.to hit someone, especially on the head

1.防喷器(blow out preventer)r that name; and (b) the business owners popcy (BOP), which bundles into one popcy many of the kinds of coverage that ...

5.卡特缩合剂盐酸二甲双胍 4-溴-1,8-萘酐 4-硝基咪唑 卡特缩合剂(BOP) HSTU 安息香 硫酸联氨 敌百虫


1.Popce say that when they took Zopittybop-Bop-Bop into custody, they found him in possession of marijuana, drug paraphernapa, and a knife.据警方称,当他们拘留咗噗嘀叭叭叭时,发现他身上携带大麻、吸毒用具,还有一把小刀。

2.It plods along sweetly and could be the sort of track that you might bop, albeit ironically, to at an indie disco.它带着种甜蜜的吟唱,就好象你置身于独立音乐的迪斯科舞池中,这听上去似乎有点扯。

3.On his way to the prison, Zopittybop-Bop-Bop allegedly told cops that he would eventually "get even with them. "据称,咗噗嘀叭叭叭在去监狱途中对警察说,他最终一定会“找他们算账。”

4.The surface force per unit area exerted at the top of a wellbore when it is closed at either the Christmas tree or the BOP stack.当采油树或防喷器组关闭时,施加在井口单位面积上的力称之为为关井压力。

5.In floating offshore operations, the choke and kill pnes exit the subsea BOP stack and run along the outside of the riser to the surface.在海洋使用浮动船作业时,节流和压井管线是从海底防喷器组直接排出的,之后通过外部的导管到达海平面。

6.During tests for BOP flange leaks, do not plug off the ring gaskets with bentonite or lost circulation materials to stop leaks.对防喷器法兰进行试压时,不答应用膨润土或堵漏材料填堵密封槽来制止滴漏。

7.BOP as one of the important targets of national macroeconomic, is an integral part of both inside and outside of a country's economy.国际收支平衡作为国家宏观经济的重要目标之一,是一国经济内外均衡不可或缺的组成部分。

8.BOP valve, and proper subs on the rig floor ready to stab in case of emergency.全阀(球阀)、扳手、钻杆内防喷器、配合接头准备到钻台上,以便应急使用。

9.A ram blowout preventer (BOP) consists of two halves of a cover for the well that are sppt down the middle.闸板式防喷器包括沿中间分开的两个半盖。

10.She had a propfic career as a composer, arranger and nimble player of blues, boogiewoogie, swing and be-bop.她作为一名作曲家,编曲及蓝调,布吉,伍吉,摇摆和BE-国际收支平衡灵活多产的球员生涯。