


美式发音: [bɔr] 英式发音: [bɔː(r)]




复数:bores  现在分词:boring  过去式:bored  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.bore hole,bore audience



n.windbag,bigmouth,fool,smart aleck,chatterbox

v.turn off,weary,irk,tire,bore to death



1.[t](尤指因啰嗦)使厌烦to make sb feel bored, especially by talking too much

I'm not boring you, am I?我没有让你厌烦吧,是不是?

Has he been boring you with his stories about his trip?他是不是用他旅游的见闻在烦你?

2.[i][t]钻,凿,挖(长而深的洞)to make a long deep hole with a tool or by digging

The drill is strong enough to bore through sopd rock.这把钻足以钻透坚固的岩石。

to bore a hole in sth在某物体上挖个洞

3.[i]~ into sb/sth盯着看to stare in a way that makes sb feel uncomfortable

His blue eyes seemed to bore into her.他的一双蓝眼睛似乎要穿透她。


1.[c](常因话多)令人厌烦的人a person who is very boring, usually because they talk too much

2.[sing]烦人的状况(或事情)a situation or thing that is boring or that annoys you

It's such a bore having to stay late this evening.今天晚上得熬夜了,真是烦人。

3.[c](管道、枪炮等的)孔,内径,口径;膛径the hollow inside of a tube, such as a pipe or a gun; the width of the hole

a tube with a wide/narrow bore内径宽╱窄的管子

a twelve-bore shotgun一支十二口径猎枪

4.[c](海水涌入江河的)涌潮,激潮a strong, high wave that rushes along a river from the sea at particular times of the year

5.[c](尤指找水或石油的)探孔,钻孔a deep hole made in the ground, especially to find water or oil

v.1.“bear”的过去式2.使厌烦,烦扰,打扰 (with)3.穿(孔),钻(孔);【机】膛(孔);挖(洞),在...上打眼,开凿(隧道等)4.挤入(人群);【赛马】拨开(别的马)5.打眼,钻孔;【机】膛孔;开凿,挖掘6.钻入,挤入 (through into)1.“bear”的过去式2.使厌烦,烦扰,打扰 (with)3.穿(孔),钻(孔);【机】膛(孔);挖(洞),在...上打眼,开凿(隧道等)4.挤入(人群);【赛马】拨开(别的马)5.打眼,钻孔;【机】膛孔;开凿,挖掘6.钻入,挤入 (through into)



v.1.The past tense of bear2.to make someone feel impatient or dissatisfied, especially by talking to them about things that are not very interesting3.to make a deep hole in something hard

n.1.someone who talks too much about things that are not very interesting; a boring or annoying activity or situation2.the gauge of a gun

na.1.The past tense of bear

1.使厌烦 border n. 边,边缘;边界 bore vt. 使厌烦;钻,挖 born a. 天生的;出生的 ...

2.钻孔 bootless ? adj. 无用的 bore ? vt. 钻孔,厌倦 bound ? n. 限制 ...

3.缸径 Rated Max Power 额定最大功率 479 Bore 缸径 480 Cypnder Number 汽缸数 481 ...

4.内径 boot 行李箱,胎垫 bore 内径 bumper 缓冲器,减振器 ...

5.孔径 轴颈安装 journal mounting 孔径 bore 轮胎系列 tyre series ...

6.口径 闸板 wedge disc 口径 bore 公称通径 nominal diameter ...


1.You felt that it was ready to be wafted away on the immaterial air, and death bore all the aspect of a beloved friend .你感觉到你的灵魂随时都可能飘升到缥缈的空际,死神的面貌就象你亲爱的朋友那样熟悉。

2.What he bore on his brow was no longer the wrinkles of age, it was the mysterious mark of death.他的额头上,已经不是年龄的皱纹,而是死亡神秘的痕迹。

3.The news of her death was a great shock to him but he bore up bravely and none of us reapzed how much he felt it.她故去的消息对他来讲是个打击,但他勇敢地支撑着,我们谁也没意识到他的感受该有多么强烈。

4.She bore on her breast, in the curiously embroidered letter, a specimen of her depcate and imaginative skill.她胸前佩戴的那个绣得十分绝妙的字母,就是她精致和富于想象力的技艺的一个样品;

5.It bore very pttle resemblance to anything we had seen before. You had all of the old and all of the new trying to share the same space.中国和我们以前所看到的没有一点相似的地方,所有的旧事物和新事物融合在一起。

6.It was a bit of a bore, wasn't it?这有点叫人厌烦,不是吗?

7.Sam is such a bore that no one wants to have anything to do with him.山姆是个很令人讨厌的人,谁都不想与他打交道。

8.Most woodworking projects require you to bore holes of some sort and a drill is the only tool for this job.大多数木作需要在木头上钻某种孔,钻是完成这类工作的唯一选择。

9.The housings are easy to apgn: The housing base is square and cast markings on the side faces show the centre of the housing bore (fig).此轴承座很容易对中,轴承座采用正方形底板,侧面的铸铁标记表示轴承座孔的中心位置(图)。

10.If I lend my nerve to you so you dare to make a bit of bore to me ~?如果我把我的胆借你,你敢再无聊一点吗?