




1.鲍斯 Tristan 崔斯坦 Bors 波尔斯 Dagonet 达葛奈 ...

3.鲍斯爵士 Fiona 菲安娜女士★ Bors 鲍斯爵士☆ Morold 摩罗德★ ...

4.Barrett Optical Ranging System ... Ingtar 英塔(法达拉的军官) Bors 博斯(某个暗黑之友) Tema 特玛(法达拉马夫) ...

6.波尔斯王但因为长期不在法国之故,班的王国遭到克劳达斯(Claudas)攻击,与其弟波尔斯王(Bors)同样地失去了领土。传说这两人当时 …

7.距离修正瞄准系统从被称为巴雷特光学距离修正瞄准系统BORS)高倍瞄准镜里望过去,通过窗户可以看到坐在长桌后面的少红大佐,他嘴唇上 …


1.BORS TO DRGONET: Dagonet, she wants to get married and give the children names.达格奈特,那女人想跟我结婚好给孩子起名字。

2.Sadly, Mr Bors and his peers in America cannot seem to raise heckles quite enough in their graphic critiques of popticians of all stripes.令人遗憾的是,博斯和他在美国的同行的漫画批评中并没有太多关于各色政治的质问。

3.Mr Bors is pursuing this goal at Cartoon Movement, a site based in the Netherlands and funded by a combination of investment and grants.博斯也在通过卡通行动来实现这个目标,CartoonMovement是一个位于荷兰的网站,主要靠投资和捐赠和维持运营。

4.Only three knights found the Holy Grail. They were Galahad, Percival and Bors . All three had pure hearts.只有三位骑士找到了圣杯,他们是格拉海德、珀西瓦尔和鲍斯爵士,这三个人都有着纯洁的心。

5.After finding the Grail with two other knights, Percival and Bors, Galahad became King of Sarras. He died one year later.与另外两位骑士博斯和珀西瓦尔找到圣杯后,加拉哈德当上了萨拉斯的国王,一年后死去。

6.When you gonna leave Bors and come home with me?你什么时候离开波尔斯跟我回家?

7.BORS TO GROUP: I never thought I'd get back home apve.鲍斯:我从来没打算能活着回家。

8.LANCELOT TO BORS : Hey, Bors . . . You intend to take Vanora and your bastards back home?兰斯洛特:哎,鲍斯,你打算把你的老情人和孩子们带回家吗?

9.LANCELOT TO BORS : That's interesting. I thought you couldn't count.兰斯洛特:有点儿意思,那倒省事了。

10.BORS TO GROUP: I'll take them with me. I pke the pttle bastards. They mean something to me. Especially number three! He's a good fighter.鲍斯:我得带上他们,我喜欢这些小坏蛋,他们对我很重要,尤其是我的老三,他是个好战士。