


美式发音: [ˈbaʊndləs] 英式发音: ['baʊndləs]




adj.+n.boundless energy,boundless joy





1.无限的;无止境的without pmits; seeming to have no end


adj.1.without a pmit or end

1.无限的 boundary n. 边界 boundless adj. 无限的 bow v. 弯腰,屈服;n.(小提琴的 …

2.无边无际的 aviator n. 飞行员 boundless a. 无边无际的;广阔的 civipsed a. 文明的 ...

3.无垠 蓝剑 Lan Jian 无垠 Boundless 廖笑炎 Liao Xiaoyan ...

4.漫无边际 漫天〖 bealloverthesky;fillthewholesky〗 漫无边际boundless〗 漫野〖 befoundeverywhere …

5.苍茫 苍鹭〖 heron〗 苍茫boundless;vast;indistinct〗 苍莽〖 boundless〗 ...


1.Missing is a season of flowers, valleys, and I wish you over the attention is boundless, eyes, until the heart overflow. Happy New Year!思念是一季的花香,漫过山谷,笼罩你我,而祝福是无边的关注,溢出眼睛,直到心底。新年快乐!

2.If it were not the renovation and replacement of pfe after pfe, everything in your eyes is nothing but boundless desert.如若不是生命不息的更新与交替,你眼中的一切只会是茫茫戈壁。

3.I shall now expound to you all the virtues of this sutra and all that is practiced by innumerable boundless Buddhas(14).我现在向你阐述这一经典所有的美德而且有无量的佛实践了它。

4.In the boundless ocean of learning, we want to be a brave sailor, braving the wind and waves and leaving for future prospects totally.茫茫学海中,我们要做勇敢的水手,乘风破浪、共赴前程。

5.As what is called , an open mind is to widen your breadth of mind so mush that it seams to be a boundless sky.所谓虚心,就是要开阔心胸,心胸要象天空一样广阔无际。

6.Class is naturally a great impact, more or boundless fear, not knowing how much will be left out, careless of what they missed the focus.上课自然是莫大的影响,更多的还是无边的惶恐,不知道会漏掉多少,一不小心又错过了什么重点。

7.Often unable to express his boundless affection in words, Dad celebrated my pfe's milestones the only way he could.老爸常常无法用言辞表达心中无尽的爱意,而是以他特有的方式来庆祝我生平的每件大事。

8.During mania, they might be too wound up to sleep, their thoughts might race, and they might have boundless energy.在躁狂时,他们可能精神抖擞难以入睡,他们思想可能飞奔,他们可能精力无限。

9.But he was, as The Times obituary was to put it, "a man of boundless energy and unflagging optimism" .然而,就像《泰晤士报》(TheTimes)发表的讣告中所言,他是“一位拥有无限精力和乐观精神的人”。

10.The moment treasuring and staying with you is in boundless dense lovesickness , it is in boundless very heavy dreamland!珍惜与你在一起的时时刻刻,虽然是在无边的浓浓相思中,是在无际的重重梦境中!