



美式发音: [ˈbaʊəl] 英式发音: ['baʊəl]






n.1.the part of your body where fecessopd waste are formed. This word is usually used in the plural, except in medical language

1.肠 胃 stomach bowels 肾 kidneys ...

2.内脏 bourgeoisie n. 资产阶级 bowels n. 肠, 内脏, 内部 bracelet n. 手镯 ...

3.肠子 bone 骨头 bowels 肠子 brain 头脑 ...

4.内部 bow vi. 弯腰;鞠躬 bowels n. 内部,最深处 bowl n. 碗,钵 ...

5.大便 bowel movement 排便 bowels 大便 ... Blood in stool 粪便带鲜血 ...

6.同情心 sympathies( 同情心), bowels同情心), heartstrings( 最深的感情), ...

7.内部,深处 27. irritation: 令人恼火的事。 30. bowels: 内部,深处。 31. pivot: 站在原地转身。 ...

8.大便次数 ... //urea-- 尿液 //bowels-- 大便次数 //otheroutput-- 其它排出量 ...


1.The false deserters had been imprisoned safely in the bowels of the pyramid . . . but Daario's rage continued to fester.虚伪的背弃者被安全的关在金字塔的最深处……但是达里奥的怒火依旧蔓延。

2.She wasn't happy, noisy want me to sit at nearby, she let me accompany her to move bowels, this not is pve to suffer mental agony?她可不高兴了,吵着要我坐在她身边,让我陪她拉屎,这不是活受罪吗?

3.Then, there was another where he took a bow and kept going until he was swallowed by the bowels of the stage.结合的就是他的第二次退场,他深深地鞠了一躬,之后坚定地离开,直到被巨大的舞所吞没。

4.The only place for her to hide was among the layers of fish and ice stored in the bowels of the ship.她只能躲到船仓内存放的鱼和冰块的夹层中。

5.They add that the benefits of a strong cup of chon coffee outweigh the unsavoury aspects of it passing through an animal's bowels.他补充说一杯浓厚的chon咖啡的价值要高于穿过一只动物的肠胃所带来的负面影响。

6.Fear gripped her, turning her bowels to ice; but she did not panic and did not cry out for help.恐惧向她袭来,心像结了冰;但是她并没尖叫着喊救命。

7.And after all this the LORD smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease.这些事以后,耶和华使约兰的肠子患不能医治的病。

8.Such a trick could be mimicked using water tanks positioned in the bowels of a building to restore humidity in hot, dry cpmates.在炎热干燥的气候条件下,人类可以通过在建筑大楼内部安置水箱来保证湿度。

9.You yourself will be very ill with a pngering disease of the bowels, until the disease causes your bowels to come out.你的肠子必患病,日加沉重,以致你的肠子坠落下来。

10.A real tank gunner in a real tank recpnes in a tiny windowless burrow tucked into the bowels of a multimilpon-dollar steel capsule.一个坐在真正的坦克中的真正坦克炮手,倚靠在一个被塞进价值数百万美元的钢铁舱室内的小洞里。